What a difficult component to fidn for Lazarus. On the whole internet we can only find a few references that TPicshow (last update in 2014) should be available for Lazarus.
I tried to import , convert but after some days I stop. Too much items to be rewritten, faulting functions, procedures, properties ...
If someone knows where to find a running Tpicshow-component for Lazarus, be welcome
Meanwhile I tried to note down -how a component for a slideshow could work.
1) a TImage based component
2) the background should be an image too, with the same posibilities (stretch, autosize, ...) as the showed images. The region that is not filled with the image should be a color we can choose. So we have to images. Backgroundimage and a full-component overlaying foregroundimage.
1) load background and foreground.
2) fade in . At the beginning the background can be a black, ...
3) Once faded in. We see the foreground.
4) load foreground to background
5) close foreground so we see the background.
6) load foreground as unvisible by other words, to see it, we must fade in again ..
Needed properties above that of timage
1) time for fade in
2) eventually the time a picture is shown
procedure: copy foreground to background when fade in is 100% and immediately make foreground unvisible fade in is now 0% so a new foreground can be laded.
Some interested of can help me ?
SOLUTION. Take a look to all documentation available and learn your own. If you can't, be a member of my group. To dummy...