In my opinion there is (at least in pascal) only one argument in favor of inline variable declaration, which is scoping.
When using scoped variables you can have different types for the same variable name, not access variables outside their scope (i.e. you know exactly where each variable belongs) and managed variables would only be initialized when the scope is entered (i.e. on an if, only if that branch is taken) and destroyed when the scope is left (which could lead to better performance and a fine grade of control over how and when memory is used e.g. by arrays).
That said all of these points are not really strong arguments because:
1. using same name for different types means you name is meaningless, this is more a symptom of bad naming
2. If you have to many scopes so you loose track of your variables, probably your function is to big and you should outsource some scopes to (nested) functions
3. If you need the performance of managed types, you can still call finalize and initialize by hand for memory areas, or use functions (which through inlining most certainly will not add overhead). And for the memory usage, one can always free managed types, e.g. Strings or Arrays by setting them to nil
So In a clean code base I don't see any reason why this would be required. Things like being able to use the same name for different types makes the code even worse in my opinion. The only thing where I can see real advantages imho is the for and for-in loops. While looping variables should be recognizable by their naming, I've already had this code:
for i:=0 to len -1 do
Where I forgott the begin/end (because it was a oneliner at first and then I've added more lines), and in this cases a compiler error that I'm accessing the loop variable outside it's scope would be nice