Forum > Operating Systems
Start lazarus Application on BOOT xWindows for ubuntu MATE Raspberry
Does anybody have a URL to boot my lazarus Application afther Xwindows starts with UBUNTU MATE on RPI3 ?
And then not configured in the GUI. Just need the startup script.
Greets, Wouter van Wegen
Not sure if I understand you correctly. Why do you expect a URL?
1. Has this been compiled on the same RPI3? Then check the Lazarus Messages window, the "Compiler Project" line that will become green lists the "Target", which is the full path to the executable.
2. If you copied this over from another machine, only you know where you copied it to :)
--- Quote from: pascalbythree on November 07, 2018, 12:45:04 pm ---Does anybody have a URL to boot my lazarus Application afther Xwindows starts with UBUNTU MATE on RPI3 ?
--- End quote ---
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