Hi all !
I decide to help you a bit. In attachment you can find a small simple project for converting *.dfm and *.pas source files for several purposes.
This project is created long before Lazarus include converting module from Delphi units ... I use this application to convert database components from one to another
for example : Devarts MyDAC to Zeos and vice versa. When I converted my first serious project, an ERP application, I'm realized that LazReport is largely not cowered my needs and is much different in philosophy then QuickReport, and have a tonns of this reports ... I need to find something else or I can go farther.
Fortunately there are Fortes4Lazarus witch is so good and so close in philosophy to QuickReport and my needs ...
My steps to convert QuickReport to FortesReport :
Thees steps begins before converting anything with Lazarus, i mean with Delphi converter ...
1. Strongly recommend to backup all files on your project !
2. Check that is *.dfm of QuichReport file are in txt format (not in binary format)
3. Compile and run attached application, chose your application folder (F button) and one PAS file, then Open.
(in right side in CheckListBox should bee listed *.dfm and *.pas files of your project)
4. Open substitution file : QuickRep_FortesRep.hdf and below QuickRep_FortesRep.hpa (L button)
(you will see something like : QuickRep->RLReport etc. witch mean QuickRep word will bee substituted to RLReport word (-> is substitution sign or separator))
5. Check all *.dfm and *.pas files width green round tick button (on right side)
6. Click button E to execute substitutions for *.dfm (on left side) and do it below again for *.pas files.
That's it ! All files are backuped : *.pas as *.opa and *.dfm as *.odf
After this steps you can convert project with Lazarus->Tools->Convert Delphi project to Lazarus project ...
Known issues :
1. all font definitions are deleted
2. all borders-frames definitions are deleted
3. RLSubDetail bands are not correctly converted, needs manually correct (different then QuickReport)
4. RLSysteminfo (QRSysData) have to check
5. Composit report is totally different, need rewrite
So, it is far from perfection but I save hours and hours of work ...
On the end I like to thanks to developers for grate work of Fortes4Lazarus, it is powerful report generator, with big potential,
needs to fix some bugs but already is more then usable on my projects !
(sorry for my English, I hope you understand what I mean an find this information useful !

Regards, Patyi.