Forum > Carbon

Copy stringgrid canvas in image

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--- Quote from: xinyiman on July 13, 2018, 03:34:08 pm ---
--- Quote from: MISV on July 13, 2018, 03:07:53 pm ---Cocoa is the future - carbon apps will soon no run on Mac. As Phil said, if the bug is there on Cocoa as well report bug! :)

Hint: I use fpcupdeluxe to get newest trunk version of Cocoa (easiest way to get started I think)

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Problem with my actual version of cocoa lazarus 1.8.4
I test install cocoa lazarus trunk yesterday but not function. When i start ide return arithmetic overflow.

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You can compile your app with Cocoa using lazbuild regardless of whether the Cocoa IDE is available.


If you click the OK Button, and the IDE stays there; try rebuilding the IDE from the Tools Menu, this has sometimes fixed an odd Startup with Laz-FPC-Trunk->for Cocoa.

Please always check that you are using the very latest Trunk version when testing Laz(1.9.0) Cocoa, as it is being rapidly developed multi comit changes per day in some cases; and it is probable that a fix/addition may have a knock on effect, if so report to forum to check if others can confirm and then post on bugtracker, this is the best route to getting Lazarus-Cocoa working...


--- Quote from: josh on July 13, 2018, 03:45:58 pm ---Hi

If you click the OK Button, and the IDE stays there; try rebuilding the IDE from the Tools Menu, this has sometimes fixed an odd Startup with Laz-FPC-Trunk->for Cocoa.

Please always check that you are using the very latest Trunk version when testing Laz(1.9.0) Cocoa, as it is being rapidly developed multi comit changes per day in some cases; and it is probable that a fix/addition may have a knock on effect, if so report to forum to check if others can confirm and then post on bugtracker, this is the best route to getting Lazarus-Cocoa working...

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Yes, i test of rebuild with normal ide but not function. Return error with ok and abort button. I reinstall all next week with hope


--- Quote from: josh on July 13, 2018, 03:45:58 pm ---Hi

If you click the OK Button, and the IDE stays there; try rebuilding the IDE from the Tools Menu, this has sometimes fixed an odd Startup with Laz-FPC-Trunk->for Cocoa.

Please always check that you are using the very latest Trunk version when testing Laz(1.9.0) Cocoa, as it is being rapidly developed multi comit changes per day in some cases; and it is probable that a fix/addition may have a knock on effect, if so report to forum to check if others can confirm and then post on bugtracker, this is the best route to getting Lazarus-Cocoa working...

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Sounds like OP has some problem as I have I have reported here:

(startup errors + build ide not possible)


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