I already knew the way you had told me more than a month ago. But I was interested in seeing if it was feasible to use IDE. I would like to understand when lazarus cocoa can be used successfully in a production environment.
Even if that crash were fixed there are still quite a few things awry with the Laz IDE with Cocoa. However, you can still use the Carbon based IDE and compile for Cocoa -- you might be much less likely to hit the problems in your own code. Laz IDE is probably a fairly extreme example and thus a good test for final suitability, but most apps are not that complicated.
I don't do desktop app development anymore, so Laz and Cocoa widgetset are kind of irrelevant to me, but I do have an old app that I still compile with Cocoa just to check the widgetset's status. The app is not huge, about 15 forms and maybe 25K lines -- it looks pretty good with the except of scroll bars, which have problems still. A number of visual quirks as well, but no showstopper bugs or crashes at all anymore.
Last winter I predicted 1-2 years until a stable Cocoa widgetset. However, that doesn't mean that the widgetset isn't usable. Just be sure to test everything in your app thoroughly.