Forum > Android-JVM

app to works 24/7 even it is close

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  i tried to write app that works 24/7 to notify to user every day at certain time to take a medicine.
My app works fine but is quite simple to stop working by closing it from "recent apps" (task Manager?).
From "recent apps" all the apps can be terminated by o.s. or by user simply by pressing a X button.

How i write my app to works 24/7 even it is killed from "recent apps"?


I used simply jTimer to do the work

When user need to take a medicine why he demand killing your app by task manager ?

Are you talking about LAMW?

I don't know about it, but as far as I know, android apps with "always running" behaviour have to be listed as autostarted. E.g. I don't allow whatsap to autostart by settings and that results in the same effect as you described, I don't receive messages anymore until I deliberaly start the app.


--- Quote from: bigeno on March 24, 2018, 11:09:22 pm ---When user need to take a medicine why he demand killing your app by task manager ?

--- End quote ---
The user kills app for a mistake but android o.s. can decide to kill app because it needs ram.


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