Ok, this is a bit convoluted, but bear with me.
I've got FP/Lazarus installed on a Raspi 3 under Raspbian "Stretch". I SSH into it from a Win7 machine, and can flip to HDMI to use the Pi desktop directly if I want, but it's a pain to juggle extra keyboards/mice. I have two SSH windows via PuTTY into the Pi. On one PuTTY window, I run "fp" and the Free Pascal IDE comes up, and works just fine. The other PuTTY window has TMUX running. Even if I only have one pane configured, running "fp" fails with the following message:
Runtime Error 106 at $000CA0A4
I've searched all over and can't find where the point of failure is. It COULD be in my TMUX configuration, and if anyone knows of a more specific place to look, I'd be thankful of the help.
I know the setup is silly, and I can forward Lazarus via SSH using Xming and it works fine. But I wanted to see if I could use the old interface, as I first started using Turbo Pascal in the CP/M days, and was nostalgic.