I have problem with deploying my Xamarin app that uses FPC built libraries (linked as Native references to Xamarin project) to Apple review using Xcode application loader.
For my library the loader reports:
ERROR ITMS-90034: "Missing or invalid signature. The bundle '{library_bundle_identifier}' at bundle path 'Payload/{path_to_framework}.framework' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate."
We've already paid for the Apple Developer Program and everything seems correctly configured otherwise.
When testing on my Iphone with development provisioning (free or paid) the app works fine.
But when I try to put it with distribution provisioning to the app store I get this error.
The certificate for Xamarin app itself (main executable) seems to be correct, at least I've never got this error for the main executable (but I am not sure at which stage the App Store validates this).
What to do now? Should i sign my libraries? How?
Did not find anything about this on google or this forum.
Searched even for native C libraries but did not find anything either.
I've found eg.
But I am not sure how to apply this for FPC built libraries.
Thank you