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Android JNI Thread
:(There is one project for Android realized with Lazarus and android native controls (JNI).
I have a small problem with android native controls (JNI) all works perfectly until the time I had to use threads.
I notice that a problem arises when more than one thread (main thread and second thread) are executed simultaneously. For a long time I have tried to solve the problem but unsuccessfully.
Java side
--- Code: Java [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---class jThread extends Thread { private boolean mSynchronize = false; private boolean mPaused = false; private Object mPauseLock = null; private int PasObj = 0; // Pascal Obj private Controls controls = null; // Control Class for Event public boolean mRun = false; public jThread(Controls ctrls, int pasobj) { PasObj = pasobj; controls = ctrls; mPauseLock = new Object(); } @Override public void run() { mRun = true; controls.jOnThread(PasObj, Const.Thread_Begin); try { controls.jOnThread(PasObj, Const.Thread_Execute); } catch (Exception e) { //String error = new String("Run: "+e.toString()+"\n"); //controls.ErrorLog.FileWrite(error.getBytes(),error.getBytes().length); } controls.jOnThread(PasObj, Const.Thread_End); mRun = false; } public void Synchronize(boolean sleep) { mSynchronize = true; new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() { public void run() { controls.jOnThread(PasObj, Const.Thread_Synchronize); mSynchronize = false; } }); do { try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (!mSynchronize) {break;}; } while (true); } public void Resume() { synchronized (mPauseLock) { mPaused = false; mPauseLock.notifyAll(); } } public void Suspend() { mPaused = true; synchronized (mPauseLock) { while (mPaused) { try { mPauseLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } public void Sleep(int Milliseconds) { try { Thread.sleep(Milliseconds); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } public void Free() { mPauseLock = null; }}
Pascal and_function side
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---Procedure Java_Event_pOnThread(env: PJNIEnv; this: jobject; Obj: TObject; Mode:Integer); cdecl;var fEnv : PJNIEnv; ID:pthread_t; I,Index:integer;begin if not (Assigned(Obj)) then Exit; case TThreadMode(Mode) of Thread_Begin: begin dbg('Java_Event_pOnThread begin'); Exit; end; Thread_End: begin dbg('Java_Event_pOnThread end'); Exit; end; Thread_Execute: begin dbg('Java_Event_pOnThread execute1'); if Obj is TThread then TThread(Obj).GenEvent_OnThread(TThreadMode(Mode)); dbg('Java_Event_pOnThread execute2'); end; Thread_Synchronize: begin dbg('Java_Event_pOnThread synchronize1'); if Obj is TThread then TThread(Obj).GenEvent_OnThread(TThreadMode(Mode)); dbg('Java_Event_pOnThread synchronize2'); end; end;end; Function jGetMethodID(var Env : PJNIEnv; var jControls:jobject; FuncName, FuncSig : PChar) : jMethodID;var jClass : jobject;begin Result := nil; Env:=nil; gApp.jVM^.AttachCurrentThread(gApp.jVM,@Env,nil); if (Env = nil) then begin dbgf(PChar(FuncName+' ('+IntToStr(gettid)+') Env = nil')); Exit; end; dbg(Pchar(FuncName+' ('+IntToStr(gettid)+')')); jClass := Env^.FindClass(Env,_cAppC); if (jClass = nil) then begin dbge(PChar(FuncName+' ('+IntToStr(gettid)+') jClass = nil')); Exit; end; Result := Env^.GetMethodID(Env, jClass, FuncName, FuncSig); Env^.DeleteLocalRef(Env,jClass); jControls:=gApp.jControls;end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Thread//------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function jThread_Create(ClassObj : TObject) : jObject;Const _cFuncName = 'jThread_Create'; _cFuncSig = '(ILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;';Var Env : PJNIEnv; jControls: jobject; _jMethod : jMethodID {$IFDef FPC} = nil {$EndIf}; _jParams : Array[0..0] of jValue;begin _jMethod := jGetMethodID(Env,jControls,_cFuncName,_cFuncSig); _jParams[0].l := ClassObj; Result := Env^.CallObjectMethodA(Env,jControls,_jMethod,@_jParams); Result := Env^.NewGlobalRef(Env,Result); dbg(_cFuncName+' 2');end; Procedure jThread_Free(var Thread : jObject);Const _cFuncName = 'jThread_Free'; _cFuncSig = '(Ljava/lang/Object;)V';Var Env : PJNIEnv; jControls: jobject; _jMethod : jMethodID {$IFDef FPC} = nil {$EndIf}; _jParams : Array[0..0] of jValue;begin if Thread = nil then Exit; _jMethod := jGetMethodID(Env,jControls,_cFuncName,_cFuncSig); _jParams[0].l := Thread; Env^.CallVoidMethodA(Env,jControls,_jMethod,@_jParams); Env^.DeleteGlobalRef(Env,Thread); Thread := nil; dbg(_cFuncName+' 2');end; Procedure jThread_Run(Thread : jObject);Const _cFuncName = 'jThread_Run'; _cFuncSig = '(Ljava/lang/Object;)V';Var Env : PJNIEnv; jControls: jobject; _jMethod : jMethodID {$IFDef FPC} = nil {$EndIf}; _jParams : Array[0..0] of jValue;begin if Thread = nil then Exit; _jMethod := jGetMethodID(Env,jControls,_cFuncName,_cFuncSig); _jParams[0].l := Thread; Env^.CallVoidMethodA(Env,jControls,_jMethod,@_jParams); dbg(_cFuncName+' 2');end; Procedure jThread_Synchronize(Thread : jObject);Const _cFuncName = 'jThread_Synchronize'; _cFuncSig = '(Ljava/lang/Object;)V';Var Env : PJNIEnv; jControls: jobject; _jMethod : jMethodID {$IFDef FPC} = nil {$EndIf}; _jParams : Array[0..0] of jValue;begin if Thread = nil then Exit; _jMethod := jGetMethodID(Env,jControls,_cFuncName,_cFuncSig,s); _jParams[0].l := Thread; Env^.CallVoidMethodA(Env,jControls,_jMethod,@_jParams); dbg(_cFuncName+' 2');end; Procedure jThread_Resume(Thread : jObject);Const _cFuncName = 'jThread_Resume'; _cFuncSig = '(Ljava/lang/Object;)V';Var Env : PJNIEnv; jControls: jobject; _jMethod : jMethodID {$IFDef FPC} = nil {$EndIf}; _jParams : Array[0..0] of jValue;begin if Thread = nil then Exit; _jMethod := jGetMethodID(Env,jControls,_cFuncName,_cFuncSig); _jParams[0].l := Thread; Env^.CallVoidMethodA(Env,jControls,_jMethod,@_jParams); dbg(_cFuncName+' 2');end; Procedure jThread_Suspend(Thread : jObject);Const _cFuncName = 'jThread_Suspend'; _cFuncSig = '(Ljava/lang/Object;)V';Var Env : PJNIEnv; jControls: jobject; _jMethod : jMethodID {$IFDef FPC} = nil {$EndIf}; _jParams : Array[0..0] of jValue;begin if Thread = nil then Exit; _jMethod := jGetMethodID(Env,jControls,_cFuncName,_cFuncSig); _jParams[0].l := Thread; Env^.CallVoidMethodA(Env,jControls,_jMethod,@_jParams); dbg(_cFuncName+' 2');end; Procedure jThread_Sleep(Thread : jObject; Milliseconds:integer);Const _cFuncName = 'jThread_Sleep'; _cFuncSig = '(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V';Var Env : PJNIEnv; jControls: jobject; _jMethod : jMethodID {$IFDef FPC} = nil {$EndIf}; _jParams : Array[0..1] of jValue; PJ : Pjvalue;begin if Thread = nil then Exit; _jMethod := jGetMethodID(Env,jControls,_cFuncName,_cFuncSig); _jParams[0].l := Thread; _jParams[1].i := Milliseconds; Env^.CallVoidMethodA(Env,jControls,_jMethod,@_jParams); dbg(PChar(_cFuncName+' 2 ('+IntToStr(Milliseconds)+')'));end;
Pascal Thread class
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---unit osThread; interface uses SysUtils, And_Controls_Types, jni, And_Controls; { TThread } type TThreadMethod = procedure of object; TNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object; TThread = class private FHandle: JObject; FSuspended: Boolean; FFinished: Boolean; FRun: Boolean; FMethod: TThreadMethod; protected procedure Execute; virtual; abstract; procedure Synchronize(Method: TThreadMethod); public constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean); destructor Destroy; override; procedure GenEvent_OnThread(Mode:TThreadMode); procedure Sleep(Milliseconds:Longint); procedure Resume; procedure Suspend; end; implementation { TThread } constructor TThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean);begin inherited Create; FSuspended:=CreateSuspended; FRun := not FSuspended; FHandle := jThread_Create(Self,ClassName); if FRun then jThread_Run(FHandle);end; destructor TThread.Destroy;begin if FHandle <> nil then jThread_Free(FHandle); FHandle:=nil; inherited Destroy;end; procedure TThread.GenEvent_OnThread(Mode: TThreadMode);begin case Mode of Thread_Execute:Execute; Thread_Synchronize:if Assigned(FMethod) then FMethod; end;end; procedure TThread.Sleep(Milliseconds: Longint);begin jThread_Sleep(FHandle,Milliseconds);end; procedure TThread.Resume;begin if not FSuspended then Exit; FSuspended := False; if not FRun then begin FRun:=true; jThread_Run(FHandle); Exit; end; jThread_Resume(FHandle);end; procedure TThread.Suspend;begin if FSuspended or not FRun then Exit; FSuspended := True; if FRun then begin jThread_Suspend(FHandle); end;end; procedure TThread.Synchronize(Method: TThreadMethod);begin if FSuspended or not FRun then Exit; FMethod := Method; fInitInfo := InitInfo; jThread_Synchronize(FHandle);end; end.
pascal working thread
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---unit fuProcessThread; interface uses SysUtils, And_Controls_Types, jni, And_Controls, osThread; type TProcessThread = class(TThread)private fText:String; procedure InternalTextSet;protected procedure Execute; override;public implementation procedure TProcessThread.InternalTextSet;begin .. change the text of the form (SetText) .. refresh form (invalidate) .. begins a long redraw process (around 10-15 milliseconds)end; procedure TProcessThread.Execute;begin jdbgf('--------->Execute start'); .. .. ..working with a file or something else .. .. .. fText:='TEXT'; Synchronize(@InternalTextSet); .. .. ..continue working with a file or something else this point the two threads are run together .. .. .. somewhere gives a bug and the program stops ..differently once in the main thread elsewhere in the thread .. .. -----> an error occurs only when both threads are executed. .. jdbgf('--------->Execute end');end; end.
If I use AsyncTask for a long time, there would be problems with memory leak on onPause, onResume, onConfigurationChanged events ?
Android then destroy and recreate activity and this is problem when using AsyncTask class or I'm mistaken ?
If I use the Service class, I will have the same problems as the Thread class ?
I've solved the problem ...
When the static method Java_Event_pOnThread in Pascal side is called from a second thread and then from the main thread (the second thread does not complete the Java_Event_pOnThread method) has stack problems and JVM terminate the process.
Also add to main unit of application and cthreads unit.
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