Forum > Games

Programming games in Pascal - FAQ

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--- Quote from: skalogryz on December 28, 2017, 09:15:15 pm ---a similar page:

--- End quote ---
That wiki page seems to need some updating (i.e. Allegro, SDL, GLScene, etc. aren't engines but libraries)

This is mostly a "self note" as I can't do it right now. If nobodyelse updates it in few hours I'll do.

+ lot of dead links, I have plan update it and make structure based +- on first post.

I've created a rough draft of Game Development Portal. I hope it helps.

I did some updates to the wiki pages about game development, adding the Game framework page and modifying the Game Engine and the Graphics libraries ones.  Tell me what do you think and don't hesitate to suggest or update them.

There's some issues because the Game development infobox template doesn't seems to be updated in all pages.  %)


In game engine DGLE link, goes to various not so nice sites.


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