Dear Hansotltn. I agree perfectly your good installation of complete fpc+PtcGraph+PtcCrt under Raspbian / Rpi4 of the fp-3.0.4 packages. I shall try it . For Ubuntu ? I shall wait . It is a pity ! I am too old to wait till they mend their software. Package must be sustained firmly, a-fortiori for such a good langage as PASCAL. The idea of interoperability between systems is an illusion that force people to work only under Windows or Apple stuff only. A pity, I said, for young people, because I love the concept of "open source conquering the world" with the best langage Fpc-PASCAL of the World ! In old age Algol was good too. Ada is too multiform. PASCAL - UCSD was a "perfect system" on a wooden Apple II (exemplar 2 or 3) at M.I.T. in 1977 ...
I wait for Fpc+PtcGraph+PtcCrt under Linux... Good Hope . Yves . Fpc 3.0.4 doesn't work !