While waiting for Pi3 (20-42 days) from aliexpress, I try QEMU emulation.
I install QEMU,latest kernel kernel-qemu-4.4.34-jessie and latest image 2017-09-07-raspbian-stretch.zip.
Install everything (you have a lot tutorials on-line).
Raspbian boot and work OK.
Try to crosscompile cmd application (first try with TForm), compile build is OK, but executable fail to run Access valiation on address xxxx.
I use Windows 10, fpcupdeluxe NewPascal and Trunk/Trunk build and crosscompile arm/linux from fpcupdeluxe. I try all ARM CPU processors.
I also try to run binary fpcupdeluxe-arm-linux, same problem same error only address is changed.
I need emulation for testing corsscompile app and need only display and networking. I don't need to install fpc/lazarus on emulation.
I resize image +4G and change swap file to 1GB (emulation have only 256MB RAM).
Any one have success with QEMU emulation and FPC/Lazarus?
Any hint?