
Author Topic: Write Once, Compile Anywhere Explained  (Read 3453 times)


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Write Once, Compile Anywhere Explained
« on: August 02, 2017, 06:09:36 pm »
What really does that
Lazarus splash screen (and the lazarus banner have too)
Write once, Compile anywhere mean

Does lazarus is like java?
I have herd that something like that on java too


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Re: Write Once, Compile Anywhere Explained
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2017, 06:26:29 pm »
fpc and lazarus are crossplatform... you can build for windows, linux, mac. ios, android and even for java runtime... also other oses are supported like dos, os/2 amiga etc... not all platfprms are equaly stable as  targets but its evolving
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Re: Write Once, Compile Anywhere Explained
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2017, 06:31:04 pm »
Ok so you insalled Lazarus on your windows machine
you create you application whatever and it compiles
and runs etc. All hunkydory, now you decide to use
ubuntu or another Linux, you dont need to rewrite your
code. You recompile your source et ca marche. Thats in
theory but as always you maybe need to tweek the design
because its looks different on another OS, but the code is OK.
Its not 100% Write Once, Compile Anywhere but its
not far. Some code maybe is windows api specific so
be careful to stay multiplatform, to stop any headaches.
dont forget Mac et other OS's aswell i stated Windows and
linux ubuntu because its the 2 i use.


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Re: Write Once, Compile Anywhere Explained
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2017, 06:43:11 pm »
What really does that
Lazarus splash screen (and the lazarus banner have too)
Write once, Compile anywhere mean

Does lazarus is like java?
I have herd that something like that on java too

See: Write once, compile anywhere

This is different from Java's Write once, run anywhere


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Re: Write Once, Compile Anywhere Explained
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2017, 07:28:11 pm »

Java slogan: "Write once, run anywhere" means if you write a program using Java, then the result can be run on any OS or device (that has Java Virtual Machine installed).

Lazarus' slogan "Write once, Compile anywhere" is similar but I think is better. If you got the source code from someone or the Internet, you can compile it on your computer with little or none of modification even your computer's OS and hardware is different from the author. It promotes open source because the source code can be easily tested and studied by others. Also because it compile to native code, it does not need virtual machine to run.


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