instantfpc is in /usr/local/bin, as is fpc and a symlink to ppc386 (which is in /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.0.2/) so there shouldn't be any issues of instantfpc finding them?
I tried using the shebang and got the same result (no output).
The strange thing is I have fpc installed on my netbook too, and instantfpc works fine there. It's the same OS and was installed using the standard fpc install script (same as on my desktop), but there must be some difference in the setup because why does it work in one but not the other?
I notice on the wiki that it says:
Changes to the compiler or installed units are not checked. If you install a new compiler you should clean the cache (e.g. delete the directory ~/.cache/instantfpc).
And since I have recently upgraded from 3.0 to 3.02 maybe that has something to do with the problem? I'll try deleting the cache.