

Do you use the Dutch translation of the Lazarus IDE?

(Almost) always
2 (7.7%)
Only for debugging/developing the IDE
3 (11.5%)
(Almost) never
21 (80.8%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: June 13, 2017, 11:15:25 pm

Author Topic: [Closed] Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE  (Read 36490 times)


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[Closed] Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« on: May 14, 2017, 11:14:02 pm »

The dutch translation files for the IDE are not maintained very well.
Currently only about 27% of all strings are translated.

I suspect that most of the Dutch users of Lazarus do not use a translated IDE at all.
I come from the TP3.0 era, and I am very used to the english jargon that comes with programming (in Pascal).
Dutch translations of keywords like event, method, exception, enabled, visible etc. just seem a little "odd" to me.
I do OTOH use the Dutch file in almost all my programs.

Currently I am trying to translate the Dutch language file for the IDE.
This proves to be rather tedious.
First of all, because I am not a translator, second because the sheer mount of work involved.
I currently am at 39% transated strings.

I would really like to ask all Dutch users of Lazarus to fill in the poll.

Also I would like to know if anyone would volunteer to be the official Dutch translator?

« Last Edit: August 28, 2019, 01:58:33 pm by Bart »


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2017, 11:44:42 pm »
First thing I always (need to) do, after zapping the config and a new install, is setting the language to English [en]. Even though I have my display language of Windows set to English, with the Automatic (or English) setting the IDE keeps displaying Dutch for me (grrrr  >:D)

So yeah, my preferred Language for development is always English because communication/programming/googling problems etc. is easier in English on the internet.


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2017, 12:17:14 am »
with the Automatic (or English) setting the IDE keeps displaying Dutch for me
I think this is just a incorrect text, it means "Use the language for the OS". Therefore, the "(or English)" is misleading and should be removed.


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2017, 12:22:07 am »
with the Automatic (or English) setting the IDE keeps displaying Dutch for me
I think this is just a incorrect text, it means "Use the language for the OS". Therefore, the "(or English)" is misleading and should be removed.
Yes, but the setting still has a bug.
When I use Automatic it should display in the first language in the Language settings.
Below is my setting for languages.
And Lazarus keeps displaying Dutch when I set it to Automatic (which it shouldn't).

("Apps and websites will appear in the first language in the list that they support")

i.e. Lazarus IDE uses the regional setting (Dutch) and NOT the Language setting (which it should).
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 12:26:53 am by rvk »


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2017, 12:29:18 am »
Isn't this specific of Win10? AFAIK, Win7 and the older versions have only the combo for "Region and Language".


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2017, 12:33:21 am »
Isn't this specific of Win10? AFAIK, Win7 and the older versions have only the combo for "Region and Language".
As I can remember from WinXP onward there is a display setting which is different from the regional setting.

See below.

So using the regional setting is definitely the wrong setting to use (for Windows XP though to Windows 10). The regional settings are only to be used for currency, date format and news location. Not for language.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 12:39:21 am by rvk »


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2017, 07:32:16 am »
Aside: I believe I posted about the same problems rvk had and even filed a bug against it, which subsequently got massively ignored on purpose by dev's:
Lazarus makes/made assumptions based on the wrong locale. (I didn't check for some time) Which is a pain. >:D

But on topic: a Dutch translation of the IDE is imho a waste of time. Most users I know have the IDE firmly in English.
I do not even know of one that actually uses Dutch, except by accident after installation, that is.
And because it is also - in places - silly Dutch with contrived Dutchifications most would like to turn English on anyway. And google translate wasn't even used! (probably did a better job)

The current translation is good to have a laugh, then turn it off.... :D ;) O:-)

I wouldn't mind to see it go. So my vote is NO.

Maybe the language itself would be useful:
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. {$mode fpc}{$macro on}{$define voor := for}{$define tot := to}{$define schrijf := write}{$define gebruikt := uses}
  2. {$define einde := end}{$define programma := program}{$define doe := do}{$define heel := integer}
  3. programma mooi;
  4. Gebruikt crt;
  5. var i : heel;
  6. Begin
  7.   voor i := 0 tot 9 doe
  8.     schrijf(i);
  9. Einde.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 08:51:56 am by Thaddy »
But I am sure they don't want the Trumps back...


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2017, 08:47:53 am »
Hi Bart,

I might be able to help out, if you don't mind waiting a few weeks. Currently my agenda won't allow it, but as soon as this project is finished I am willing to make some time to help you with the translation. I do translations quit regularly for work (course materials), but I am a novice when it comes to Lazarus. So I don't know if I would be a help or a bother. On the other hand, I almost never use Dutch language files for any software. It just feels weird to me to use Dutch on a computer.

Grx HdV


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2017, 08:50:44 am »
It just feels weird to me to use Dutch on a computer.
That's what Bart would like to know: are you actually going to USE it? What's your vote?
But I am sure they don't want the Trumps back...


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2017, 10:09:23 am »
So yeah, my preferred Language for development is always English because communication/programming/googling problems etc. is easier in English on the internet.

For me also a NO.



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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2017, 10:16:32 am »
But I am sure they don't want the Trumps back...


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2017, 10:33:09 am »
As an aside:
I think the question is posed slightly wrong.

As it is, it makes little sense to use the translation, since only 27% is actually translated.

So, do users not use it because
a) the translation is bad and  they don't see the sense of using a bad translation ?
or because
b) They don't need a dutch translation at all

The question should be:
If the translation was 100% correct, would you use it ?


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2017, 11:05:15 am »
Hi Thaddy,

If forgot to write it, but I did vote "Almost never" before posting my message.

Grx HdV


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2017, 03:14:51 pm »
'Ongemerkt' heb ik ooit als taal Nederlands gekozen en dat is die nog steeds. Inderdaad zijn veel teksten niet omgezet, maar dat zit me (blijkbaar) niet in de weg.
Ik heb tijd en gelegenheid om aan de vertaling mee te werken.
(Ik heb even gezocht, maar niet gevonden: kan ik makkelijk omschakelen van Nederlands naar een andere taal?).


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Re: Poll: Usage of Dutch translation for IDE
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2017, 05:58:35 pm »
(Ik heb even gezocht, maar niet gevonden: kan ik makkelijk omschakelen van Nederlands naar een andere taal?).
Kijk, daar heb je het al:
Als Engels de IDE taal is, is het makkelijk:  tools|options|environment|General|Language

Ik heb echt geen idee wat ze daar van gebakken hebben.... Als je zelf vertaalt: Als het niet lukt, gebruik dan Vlaams-Nederlands, je weet nooit... Geen idee.
Klopt niet met MS conventies, klopt niet met Linux conventies, klopt niet met Apple conventies...

Auf English:
Look, there you go. This is asking for trouble.
With the IDE in English it is easy: tools|options|environment|General|Language
I really have no clue what they came up with.... If you try to translate it yourself and it doesn't work: try some Flemish Dutch too... You never know... No clue.
Doesn't match MS conventions, doesn't match Linux conventions, doesn't match Apple conventions...

Note for translators:
tools|options|environment|General|Language are all in MS default translation database. Like many more...
In this case there may be a 50/50 chance it actually was translated right. By accident.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 06:15:47 pm by Thaddy »
But I am sure they don't want the Trumps back...


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