before downloading uos package, I've read forums here and there, and found that :
Do you have problems to load-run the demos in /uos/examples/?
It should be out-of-the-box, just load a lpi project via Lazarus/Open Project an compile it.
http://uos-forum.108.s1.nabble.com/simplest-to-play-a-wav-file-a-la-sndplaysound-tp980p982.htmlBut nothing told me : "
but be careful not to use files with fpgui word in the name."
And there :
https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,37907.msg256152.html?PHPSESSID=q7pg59oevmqlu3qephic78l7m6#msg2561522) In Lazarus, Open Project --> /the_directory_of/uos/examples/
Choose a *.lpi example.That's what I've done...
Then, this morning,
1- I tried
deviceinfos.lpi, which worked ootb but there are some strange behaviours : starting with a centered form, a click on "Load that library" button moves form at 0,0, I need to remove form1.Hide and form1.Show, and change form1.Height := 388; to form1.Height := 388 + shape.Height; to get it working fine.
2- In
formspectrum.lpi code I read
if 1 = 2,
really ? Always
false, as said by the compiler...
Anyway, formspectrum doesn't work : I need to enlarge the form to see the error
res := uos_LoadLib(PChar(PA_FileName), PChar(SF_FileName), PChar(MP_FileName), nil, nil, nil); // Error
if Res <> 0 then
label1.Caption := 'UOS library in Error';
So I tested like that, see results at end of lines :
//res := uos_LoadLib(PChar(PA_FileName), PChar(SF_FileName), PChar(MP_FileName), nil, nil, nil); // Error
res := uos_LoadLib(PChar(PA_FileName), '', '', nil, nil, nil); // no error, but nothing on screen after "start"
//res := uos_LoadLib('', PChar(SF_FileName), '', nil, nil, nil); // Error
//res := uos_LoadLib('', '', PChar(MP_FileName), nil, nil, nil); // no error, but nothing on screen after "start"
3- Another basic try : I open
simpledrums.lpi, I press F9 then ENTER (coz' Play is activated) and bim !
4- Waveform.lpi :
5- and simpleplayer.lpi :
(and I don't know how to insert images in text, here...)
Oops, I forget that : Debian 11.9 Gtk2 Laz 3.0 FPC 3.2.2