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Re: Popularity / SPLIT OFF -Re: Forum is so SLOOOW... Again!
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--- Quote from: Joanna on July 07, 2024, 02:54:35 pm ---I think pascal needs a lot of help with public relations because everyone I encounter outside of this forum or chat channel seems to hate it.
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Free Pascal and Lazarus are excellent products. Why aren't they popular? Let's look on the Internet. Who supports Python or the growing Rust or Kotlin. The answer speaks for itself: Google, Microsoft, Mozilla ... Who supports Free Pascal? The answer is enthusiasts
It’s possible that the developers of fpc and Lazarus just want to create these things as a hobby for their own use and are nice enough to share them with people who want them. Maybe having a lot of users isn’t their goal.
Thanks to the developers of FPC and Lazarus for their selfless work.
--- Quote from: LV on July 07, 2024, 05:45:42 pm ---Thanks to the developers of FPC and Lazarus for their selfless work.
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