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Custom shape forms in Linux ?
How do i make a transparent window in Linux Desktop Environments (Kde, Gnome, etc.), in Win i use Regions but i think there's a function in Linux.
Is there any way to get API docs for different platforms, preferably in Object Pascal Language but i would appreciate even those in C/C++.
Thank you in advance.
Seems that nobody knows, but what does the TRegion object, is it working ???
I do know win32 regions and they are not supported yet in the LCL
I don't know about the TRegion object.
about docs:
for win32 see
for gtk see
TCanvas.Region is of type TRegion, nice, Delphi doesn't have something like this.
How does it work ?
I'm checking the xmms code to see how they achieved transparency, it seems that gtk facilitates region creation and setting.
I know that X Windows has some funcs XPolygonRegion, XSetRegion, etc.
The xlib, xutil translations were made with h2pas but function parameters are something like para1, para2 instead of the normal parameter names, why ? I bellive the Pascal case insensitivity is the reason but para1 is more ugly than let's say parRegion.
What should i use TRegion, X or gtk ?
If you wan tto have transparent windows, the interface must support it. AFAIK it doesn't at the moment. So ig you want it, and your app only has to work for GTK, yuo can use the gtk functions directly
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