
Author Topic: PLEEEASE  (Read 8266 times)


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« on: June 25, 2004, 02:46:06 pm »
Hi guys,
Can someone in the know on this PLEASE work on getting the debugger working right?, I'm under WIN32 and I've tried numerous versions of gdb (cygwin, mingw, Insight, as well as the one that comes with fpc) and debugging is simply a nightmare (IF it can be called debugging, 99% of the time is pressing an "Oops" dialog box ), as well as get other options implemented fully like viewing the local variables properly etc..
Getting debugging working right  seriously makes Lazarus THAT much better.
Thanks guys.



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« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2004, 11:42:12 am »
Lazarus debugging is based on linux gdb. Unfortunately, the win32 version of gdb doens't behave the same in al situations. personally I had the best results with the latest mingw version.
Currently I am rewriting parts of the debugger, so that on win32 you can compile again after debugging. Also watches/breakpoints/locals get improved
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« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2004, 02:49:42 pm »
Quote from: "Marc"
Lazarus debugging is based on linux gdb. Unfortunately, the win32 version of gdb doens't behave the same in al situations. personally I had the best results with the latest mingw version.
Currently I am rewriting parts of the debugger, so that on win32 you can compile again after debugging. Also watches/breakpoints/locals get improved

A big ThanX Marc, for improving debugging. It`s one of the most important things in Lazarus.
It would be nice if You add some short-keys for example Ctrl+F2 to stop program execution(reset program), and some for watches definition , although the possibility to evaluate structure under mouse would be better (but maybe harder..). I noticed that under win9.x debugging is not possible (v0.9.2 beta). (GDB is not detected properly ?). Under XP it works (stops at brakpoints) but variable evaluation is not possible (can`t add anything in the watches).


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