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Component Installation

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I am brand new to Lazarus as of this morning. My question is, how to install new components into the IDE pallet?

To be more specific, I just downloaded the Eye Candy Controls and haven't a clue on how to install them into the IDE and have found no instructions for how to do that.

Any like a newbie, I post a similar message in the 3rd partly announcements. DOH!

Many thanks, in advance!

You need to go to the folder of the component you downloaded and find the .lpk file, then double click on it and it will open in the IDE. Another way of doing this is go to the menu Package > Open package file, and then select the .lpk file.

The next step is to press the button Compile. When compile is done press the button Use > Install. Then say yes to each prompt, then this will rebuild the IDE and restart, then you have it installed.

When you are prompted and then confirm that you want to rebuild Lazarus, it will recompile itself and close. Usually it restarts of its own accord.
Sometimes, however, I find that you then have to restart the ide yourself.
If the IDE rebuild finished successfully, you should now find a EC-C tab on the component palette.

Thanks Lainz for the answer. Here I re-write it in a step-by-step way:

To install a new component:
1. On Lazarus main menu > Package > Open package file (.lpk)
2. Browse to the location and select the package file
3. On the package menu > Compile
4. On the package menu > Use > Install
5. Answer "Yes" to rebuild your Lazarus
6. Wait some minutes and your Lazarus will be closed

Not all packages contain components to show on the IDE's palette, if it does then the new components will be now shown on the appropriate tab on the palette.

To check if a package already installed:
1. On Lazarus main menu > Package > Install/Uninstall Packages
2. The installed packages will be listed in the left panel (installed)

For more info about Eye-Candy Controls, you can find in this documentation:
(actually the installation guide is in it)

No, it won't restart at least on my Linux-build. I notice if I install/remove packages via "Install/Uninstall Packages" then it will be restarted automatically. But it won't be restarted if the rebuilding is via "Open Package File".

A nice suggestion is to add a right clic > Install package to the file association of .lpk, at least under Windows I know it's possible.


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