This is a first cut to port ESS-Model to Lazarus and fpc.
Primary goals met on this iteration.
1: Produces Diagrams on screen with common mouse handling across Windows
Gnome and QT.
2: Has no other package dependancies than LCL.
3: Has no code which requires {$mode delphi} all files have {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
to have a common a base as possible for cross platform.
4: Capable of parsing itself.
( parser is old, not expected to parse later dialects in first port)
Casualties .. functionality removed
html generation (violates 2: requires other units/libraries )
Delphi integration module ( not required )
WMF generation (violates 2: requires other units/libraries )
Casualties ..
The Good:
1: Still as fast as delphi binary (at least on windows.)
2: Runs in Linux (only one {$ifdef LINUX} was required.)
3: Internal workings would suit event emitting style parser.
4: Code position is stored with model elements.
5: Suited to single file parsing.
6: It has scratched my itch. (To have something to view large packages,
primarily GLScene)
7: Does not crash parsing modern pascal variants
(throws lots of errors but does not crash)
8: Nothing else added at this point so a base for possibilities.
9: Reads .lpr for project (use read directory for packages).
10: Does what the windows binary does ( casualaties excepted ).
11: Does not leak mem.
The Bad.
1: Parser is old.
2: xmi is old, not found anything modern that will see the xmi as valid.
3: Missing key model features (Enums, Aggregation, Composition to name a few)
4: Crashes through dangling pointers to badly parsed entities.
(Solution FIX THE PARSER don't add exception handling)
5: Mouse handling may not be optimal in Gnome as lots of calls to get parents
of control under mouse, original program relied on mouse events not being
caputured by owner drawn labels but used windows specific mechanisms which
are not portable. I run my Linux test boxes in VMs so may be ok on bare
6: Dragging when view is scrolled, original suffered this also.
There has been interest in the past in this, but I think this is the first attempt at true native
port with no deps.
EDIT Update file below in post 5, don't know how to remove this one!