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Problem with cmFileOpen and StdDlg
There is procedure
uses ... StdDlg ... ;
Procedure FileOpen;
PF: PFileDialog;
Control: Word;
s: PathStr;
New(PF, Init('*.dat','Select file:','File name',fdOpenButton,0));
Control:= DeskTop^.ExecView(PF);
case Control of
StdDlg.cmFileOpen, cmOk:
PF^.GetFileName(s) ;
Dispose (PF, Done)
So I have error message
lab1.pas(24,10) Error: Identifier not found "cmFileOpen"
In TV it is work.
Anybody can help me solve the problem?
In FV it is in "fvconsts"
--- Quote from: marcov on December 13, 2016, 11:18:51 pm ---In FV it is in "fvconsts"
--- End quote ---
Could you please explain some more. Do you mean add FVConsts in uses ?
I add the module but error doesn't disappear.
--- Quote from: vitaly_t on December 14, 2016, 07:19:58 am ---I add the module but error doesn't disappear.
--- End quote ---
Well, that isn't too strange considering that you explicitly reference it to be part of unit StdDlg
--- Quote from: vitaly_t on December 13, 2016, 11:01:10 pm --- StdDlg.cmFileOpen, cmOk:
--- End quote ---
Remove that part or replace it with unit name FVConsts instead.
--- Quote from: molly on December 14, 2016, 07:34:25 am ---
--- Quote from: vitaly_t on December 14, 2016, 07:19:58 am ---I add the module but error doesn't disappear.
--- End quote ---
Well, that isn't too strange considering that you explicitly reference it to be part of unit StdDlg
--- Quote from: vitaly_t on December 13, 2016, 11:01:10 pm --- StdDlg.cmFileOpen, cmOk:
--- End quote ---
Remove that part or replace it with unit name FVConsts instead.
--- End quote ---
Yes. It's strange. In source I can see cmFileOpen is StdDlg unit.
But you advice about FVConsts instead StdDlg is helpfull. Thank you very much.
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