* Mac Mini M1
* macOS 14.6.1
* Lazarus 3.99
* FPC 3.3.1
Hello again @DonAlfredo!
Following my recent failed attempts to get
4.0rc1 fully working in
macOS 14.6.1, I've decided to try to work with my existing
3.99 installation, which has the distinct advantage of working and producing apps that work perfectly with
MIDI in both
macOS and
Windows, but not yet
Linux... that's another story
The one thing that was missing was the
Docked IDE and
Docked Form Editor. I hadn't noticed before that the buttons in
FpcUpDeluxe offered to
update as well as
install. Could I use this to retrofit the
Docked IDE and
Docked Form Editor features on to my, otherwise, perfect
3.99 installation?
Yes, is the happy answer! It worked perfectly, and had the happy side effect of solving the fact that my Lazarus was not automatically restarting after an IDE rebuild

UPDATE: I should point out that,
of course, I tried the
AnchorDockingDsgn package but, as with previous attempts to use it, somehow it just doesn't seem to work as well as the default facility in
3.99 and
4.0rc1. Maybe this is due to some sensible defaults being present in the latter 2 cases, but with the
AnchorDockingDsgn package, it just seemed unusable
Now, I can get on with some actual programming rather than the utter nonsense of the last few days

Thanks again, @DonAlfredo
