
Author Topic: Fpcupdeluxe  (Read 889139 times)


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2520 on: November 03, 2024, 01:47:26 pm »
Rosetta is used by macOS aarch64 when code built for the Intel architecture is encountered. There is a performance hit for sure, but otherwise its use is entirely transparent... that's my understanding of it, in any case. In all of the situations I have described, I have chosen the aarch64 option, so I don't see how Rosetta could be making any difference here...
I already explained that, into detail.

What is it that you do not seem to understand about that the compiler identifies itself as the archticture for which it is compiled ?

Here we go again! This drip, drip, drip of subtle digs is getting tiresome. I appreciate the help, but I would also appreciate it if it did not have to be accompanied by this constant "ooh, you have gotten yourself in a bit of a muddle" undercurrent...
Indeed here we go again  :)

I do not mind you calling me out. But when I tell to use the script in your Lazarus setup (because you are using multiple installed Lazarus versions and knowing you have not removed your system wide install) which is produced by FPCUpDeluxe and keep insisting on using the FPC executable then I am not the one that needs to be called out. As a honest to god question, how many times do you actually need for me to repeat myself ? I tell this for a particular reason so that you can avoid pitfalls (but no, you have removed your installation from the path envar so that should be enough, which it actually isn't)

All the information I have obtained can obtained by anyone. Read about how the configuration files work, how they are selected by the compiler and makefiles use -va to see what is happening behind the scenes. These are the basics steps that any developer should know about for his/her setup.

And before anyone tries to pin this all on something specific to FPC/Lazarus, it ain't. Every project on this earth that uses make-files (or some form of make-files) faces the same issues. Some solutions are better than others but you have no idea how many time configure and/or cmake picks up on the wrong (fill in your preferred) compiler.

Which reminds me, I was unable to locate a FPCUpDeluxe aarch64 macos version... so I already know what is coming. Do you ? nvm, was just able to locate it now.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 02:01:34 pm by TRon »
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2521 on: November 03, 2024, 02:06:24 pm »
Additional sidenote.
Even the fpc binary itself looks around (on Unixes) for configuration files. That is why the hack is needed.


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2522 on: November 03, 2024, 02:20:56 pm »
@Don Alfredo:
Small feature request regarding GUI (not worth a ticket)

Would it be very inconvenient to make the list-boxes for the tags a little wider and/or add a splitter ?

It appears a little cramped (See screenshot), even though you can use the horizontal slider.
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2523 on: November 03, 2024, 02:51:04 pm »
I do not mind you calling me out. But when I tell to use the script in your Lazarus setup (because you are using multiple installed Lazarus versions and knowing you have not removed your system wide install) which is produced by FPCUpDeluxe and keep insisting on using the FPC executable

What are you talking about? I am using the script! I have not used the fpc executable directly and I have not said that I have, certainly not since the very first attempts to get this working! As I mentioned many days ago, I've been able to use FcpUpDeluxe to produce a variety of cross-compilers which I have been able to use in a variety of project options, precisely because I have the script specified.

then I am not the one that needs to be called out.

If you post messages saying that I have ignored your advice to do a certain thing when my recent message history quite clearly shows that I have done precisely that certain thing, then, of course, I'm going to call you out...

I'll tell you what... it's maybe better if you don't reply to my messages at all, and, being a generous kind of chap, I'll extend the same courtesy to you. Deal?
« Last Edit: November 04, 2024, 08:40:27 pm by carl_caulkett »
"It builds... ship it!"


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2524 on: November 03, 2024, 04:01:51 pm »
Hi @DonAlfredo! I don't know if this is a problem with FPCUPdeluxe V2.4.0fp for aarch64-darwin-cocoa, but when I try to build any project, it's failing on LazFileUtils.pas...
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. implementation
  3. // to get more detailed error messages consider the os
  4. uses
  5. {$IFDEF Windows}
  6.   Windows {$IFnDEF WinCE}, ShlObj, ActiveX, WinDirs{$ENDIF};
  7. {$ELSE}
  9.   exec, amigados;
  10.   {$ELSE}
  11.     {$IFDEF darwin}
  12.     MacOSAll,
  13.     {$ENDIF}
  14.     Unix, BaseUnix;
  15.   {$ENDIF}
  16. {$ENDIF}

...with the error lazfileutils.pas(204,5) Error: Cannot find MacOSAll used by LazFileUtils. Make sure all ppu files of a package are in its output directory. ppu in wrong directory=/Users/carlcaulkett/Lazarus_4.0/fpc/units/aarch64-darwin/univint/MacOSAll.ppu..

If I go into Project -> Show Used .ppu Files it shows MacOSAll.ppu as missing, and, indeed, a file search of my Lazarus 4.0rc1 installation shows that MacOSAll.ppu is nowhere to be found!

I've been careful to do a Run -> Clean up and Build, but the build is still failing...

UPDATE: I should point out that this occurs in a brand new project :o
« Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 04:04:22 pm by carl_caulkett »
"It builds... ship it!"


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2525 on: November 03, 2024, 05:19:15 pm »
last version 2.4.0e mac Intel sequoia, this error
[ 67%] Compiled package univint
make[1]: *** [packages_smart] Error 2
make: *** [build-stamp.x86_64-darwin] Error 2
The installer encountered the following error:
Error inside worker thread for package rtl-objpas: Compilation of "BuildUnit_rtl_objpas.pp" failed

fpcupdeluxe: ERROR: FPC Native Installer (BuildModuleCustom: FPC): Error running /usr/bin/make for FPC failed with exit code 512
. Details: .

ERROR: Fpcupdeluxe fatal error !
Sequencer (FPC): Failure running fpcupdeluxe: error executing sequence FPC
Sequencer (Only): Failure running fpcupdeluxe: error executing sequence Only


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2526 on: November 04, 2024, 07:01:28 am »
Both errors are unexpected. And, unfortunately, due to lack of a Mac, I am not able to reproduce.


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2527 on: November 04, 2024, 04:19:17 pm »
* Mac Mini M1
* macOS 14.6.1
* Lazarus 3.99
* FPC 3.3.1

Hello again @DonAlfredo!

Following my recent failed attempts to get 4.0rc1 fully working in macOS 14.6.1, I've decided to try to work with my existing 3.99 installation, which has the distinct advantage of working and producing apps that work perfectly with MIDI in both macOS and Windows, but not yet Linux... that's another story ;)

The one thing that was missing was the Docked IDE and Docked Form Editor. I hadn't noticed before that the buttons in FpcUpDeluxe offered to update as well as install. Could I use this to retrofit the Docked IDE and Docked Form Editor features on to my, otherwise, perfect 3.99 installation?

Yes, is the happy answer! It worked perfectly, and had the happy side effect of solving the fact that my Lazarus was not automatically restarting after an IDE rebuild  :D

UPDATE: I should point out that, of course, I tried the AnchorDockingDsgn package but, as with previous attempts to use it, somehow it just doesn't seem to work as well as the default facility in 3.99 and 4.0rc1. Maybe this is due to some sensible defaults being present in the latter 2 cases, but with the AnchorDockingDsgn package, it just seemed unusable :o

Now, I can get on with some actual programming rather than the utter nonsense of the last few days ;)

Thanks again, @DonAlfredo :D 🙏🏽
« Last Edit: November 05, 2024, 12:21:51 pm by carl_caulkett »
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2528 on: November 05, 2024, 01:14:33 am »
Normal people would simply install the anchordocking design package. But hey, what the hell do I know right. :shrugs:
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2529 on: November 06, 2024, 09:52:45 am »
Thank you for reporting back.

Looking at both mentioned issues that sounds like a failed checkout.

Have you tried running FPCUPDeluxe from a command-line (terminal) ?

If you run FPCUpdDeluxe that way then it reports back several messages to the terminal during a run. Perhaps that (quick approach) is able to shed a light on what exactly goes wrong.

The longer alternative version is to share the installation log (you can increase the verbosity in setup+ options as well).

Right now you were able to share the resulting symptoms but not the cause for failure (and nobody else is able to guess from the reported errors what might be the reason which has caused that).

I started fpcupdeluxe from a windows (Win 10) terminal with administrator rights, but there is neither any kind of back-reported messages to the terminal nor any change in behavior. The tags were not retrieved.

I increased the verbosity but there is no logfile to be found in the installation directory.

I know that you are lacking information what is happening, but i see no possibitity to gather more info.
Lazarus stable, Win32/64


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2530 on: November 06, 2024, 10:43:19 am »
I started fpcupdeluxe from a windows (Win 10) terminal with administrator rights,
Good that you did (firewall/antivirus) but in basics admin rights are not required (even discouraged)

but there is neither any kind of back-reported messages to the terminal nor any change in behavior. The tags were not retrieved.
After some fiddling I have to come to the same conclusion.

I consider this part of FPCUpdeluxe to be ... a bit shaky, to say the least. I plugged out the network-cable from my machine in order to see what would happen. It never re-tries or informs other than a "could not reach destination" (with an url). It requires a close and re-start of fpcupdeluxe in order to be able to retry.

I increased the verbosity but there is no logfile to be found in the installation directory.
That option seems to apply to the build only (and not FPCUpDeluxe itself).

the logfile needs to be saved manually btw. File, save log but you could just as well copy-pasted the output from the main window of FPCUpDeluxe.

I know that you are lacking information what is happening, but i see no possibitity to gather more info.
Are you perhaps familiar with a process monitor ? it is an equivalent of Linux' strace command that listens and informs about API calls. I dunno if sysinternals still has theirs (last time I checked sysinternals was part of M$).

Another option w/could be to compile fpcupdeluxe yourself and run it through the debugger.

The fact that you do not seem to receive an unreachable message does imply that FPCUpdeluxe at least tries to checkout the tags,

Just to make sure (because these days you never know), are you living in a country/using a provider that is able to reach ?

You can also check FPCUpDeluxe, tab extras (not visible by default, scroll to right) and press "check tools location" to see if you are able to reach FPCUpDeluxe's github repo. If it stays 'stuck' without displaying any information then FPCUpdeluxe is unable to reach/connect to that repository (as well).
« Last Edit: November 06, 2024, 10:49:45 am by TRon »
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2531 on: November 09, 2024, 06:15:04 pm »
I downloaded the source and had a look at what is really happening.

The PageControl1 contains the 6 TabSheets, including the ‘Tags’ tab (the corresponding TabSheet is called TagSheet).

PageControl1 also contains the OnChange event, which checks whether the active tab is a TagSheet and attempts to retrieve the version information via GIT. The event is then disabled and is therefore only run once, regardless of whether the version information was retrieved successfully or not.

The error management is somewhat poor, as there are situations that are not monitored for the user.

Obviously there is also no provision for logging the action, so this function remains virtually silent.

But above all, it is the case with me that a breakpoint in the OnChange event is not triggered. Apparently the event is not processed at all for some reason.

In addition, when the TagSheet is activated for the first time, the entire event is deactivated -- the second action, updating the ModuleSheet, is then no longer executed.

I am therefore not surprised that the lists are not being filled in my case. I have tried to find out why the event is not triggered, but have failed.
Lazarus stable, Win32/64


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2532 on: December 25, 2024, 10:22:11 am »
Gyuru you got a virus in your PC


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2533 on: December 25, 2024, 10:27:36 am »
I apologize for the inconvenience. Indeed I got a virus (which was disinfected), but seems the author/creator stole all my credentials and passwords. I changed them now. Thanks,
using Lazarus 1.4RC, FPC version 2.6.4,SVN rev 48058, Windows XP SP3/32bit, Windows7 SP1/64bit


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2534 on: December 25, 2024, 11:01:31 am »
No Worries mate, can happen...
Regards Benny
If it ain't broke, don't fix it ;)
PCLinuxOS(rolling release) 64bit -> KDE5 -> FPC 3.2.2 -> Lazarus 2.2.6 up until Jan 2024 from then on it's: KDE5/QT5 -> FPC 3.3.1 -> Lazarus 3.0


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