
Author Topic: Fpcupdeluxe  (Read 889535 times)


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2505 on: November 02, 2024, 11:36:52 pm »
I have uploaded a pre-release of fpcupdeluxe. This pre-release should fix the issue you mentioned.
Please test.
You seem to have successfully squashed the little critter.

Thank you !
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2506 on: November 02, 2024, 11:45:26 pm »
I have uploaded a pre-release of fpcupdeluxe. This pre-release should fix the issue you mentioned.
Please test.
You seem to have successfully squashed the little critter.

Thank you !

It's worth pointing out that applying @TRon's steps for using Setup+ to build Lazarus 4.0rc1 worked perfectly, and that the problem that I was having was due to Lazarus picking up an old installation of FPC which wasn't even on the system path but managed to confound Lazarus's make system :o

I'll give the new FpcUpDeluxe a spin tomorrow ;)
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2507 on: November 03, 2024, 12:09:26 am »
I'll give the new FpcUpDeluxe a spin tomorrow ;)
I hate being the one to tell "I told you so" butt ....  :P

Another FPC compiler or Lazarus does not have to be in the path in order to mess things up. It are the configuration files that are stored at/in your system locations that the make-file picks up on. I warned about that in a previous discussion.

If that (other) configuration is configured to locate units from another directory then that will interfere with the make-file that you are currently running.

For Don Alfredo's FPCUpDeluxe it is a bit of being caught between a rock and a hard place because FPCUpDeluxe does allow to use an already existing installation in which case  the scripts that FPCUpdeluxe uses to generate the compiler/lazarus cannot be told to ignore your system wide configuration files (with certainty).

Note that if you want to test the add tag button method that the instructions are slightly different and that it requires to use the testing release of FPCUpDeluxe (And I haven't checked if that version is currently also available for macos aarch64).

If someone wishes for a care-free FPC/Lazarus experience while experimenting with multiple installations, different versions and multiple cross-compilers then never ever use a package manager, .deb files (or whatever your distro uses) or whatever 'custom made installer method' and stick to either building everything manually or use FPCUpDeluxe and when doing so make sure to not install anything inside system dedicated locations and prevent configuration files from being stored at the 'normal' locations and override every default (*)

(*) Unless you know exactly what you are doing and know your OS inside out as well as know about the inner details of how to configure FPC and Lazarus correctly.

Note that most of the remarks made here are not specifically aimed for @carl (I assume you know which ones are though) but are made on a more general note for others who perhaps stumble upon the ramblings from this madman  :)

I wish for you to (now) have more success when you do carl_caulkett. Please don't hesitate to share the experience (if any) and thank you for keep trying !.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 12:18:11 am by TRon »
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2508 on: November 03, 2024, 01:42:37 am »
Another FPC compiler or Lazarus does not have to be in the path in order to mess things up. It are the configuration files that are stored at/in your system locations that the make-file picks up on. I warned about that in a previous discussion.

Why did simply removing the FPC files from /usr/local/etc`, without any corresponding changes elsewhere, work?
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2509 on: November 03, 2024, 07:55:52 am »
The Makefile of both FPC and Lazarus looks around on your system to find tools and settings. Nothing can stop that.
* tries to preset all of the Makefile magic to prevent these Makefiles from looking around.
* runs in a dedicated shell with only itself and a few system directories in the path.
This is why building FPC and Lazarus succeeds while using fpcupdeluxe.
During rebuilding of Lazarus by itself, none of these protections are available anymore. And that might cause the reported issue(s).


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2510 on: November 03, 2024, 11:07:37 am »

@Charlie Tango:
on the initial FPCUpdeluxe
- main window, select a installation directory where you have enough access rights
- main window, tab basic: select fpc version 3.2.2
- main window, tab basic: select lazarus version trunk
- main window, tab basic: press setup+
- setup window, laz. branch set to "lazarus_4_0_RC_1" (without the quotes)
- setup window, press ok
- main window, press install/update FPC and Lazarus button
- make/get yourself a nice beverage
- done !

you should now have a stand-alone Lazarus 4.0rc1 with FPC 3.2.2

not really
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. fpcupdeluxe: ERROR: FPC Native Installer (BuildModule: FPC): C:\Lazarus\40rc1\fpcsrc\Makefile not found. Severe error. Should not happen. Aborting.
  3. ERROR: Fpcupdeluxe fatal error !
  4. Sequencer (FPC): Failure running fpcupdeluxe: error executing sequence FPC
  5. Sequencer (Defaultwin32): Failure running fpcupdeluxe: error executing sequence Defaultwin32
  7. ERROR: FPC Native Installer (BuildModule: FPC): C:\Lazarus\40rc1\fpcsrc\Makefile not found. Severe error. Should not happen. Aborting.
Lazarus stable, Win32/64


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2511 on: November 03, 2024, 11:13:21 am »
I have uploaded a pre-release of fpcupdeluxe. This pre-release should fix the issue you mentioned.
Please test.

The list of tags is still empty (both of them).
I cannot identify whether fpcupdeluxe even tries to get the tags.
Could possibly a "Referesh tags" Button including logging to the message window ease the detection where something blocks the retrieval ?
Lazarus stable, Win32/64


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2512 on: November 03, 2024, 11:53:56 am »
Thank you for reporting back.

Looking at both mentioned issues that sounds like a failed checkout.

Have you tried running FPCUPDeluxe from a command-line (terminal) ?

If you run FPCUpdDeluxe that way then it reports back several messages to the terminal during a run. Perhaps that (quick approach) is able to shed a light on what exactly goes wrong.

The longer alternative version is to share the installation log (you can increase the verbosity in setup+ options as well).

Right now you were able to share the resulting symptoms but not the cause for failure (and nobody else is able to guess from the reported errors what might be the reason which has caused that).

Why did simply removing the FPC files from /usr/local/etc`, without any corresponding changes elsewhere, work?
See Don Alfredo's answer.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 12:09:37 pm by TRon »
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2513 on: November 03, 2024, 12:33:06 pm »
I hate being the one to tell "I told you so" butt ....  :P

I suspect you secretly enjoy it!
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2514 on: November 03, 2024, 12:49:33 pm »
I suspect you secretly enjoy it!
In all honestly, no not really.

As someone who has been there and done that myself, in the process smashing my head against that same wall over and over again, I got frustrated by it and started figuring out how not to fall for that trap again.

The result of that is the answers that you see me posting (e.g. you are not alone with the issues you face).

Thus, it highly frustrates me when I see others making suggestion as "change the access right for a directory", " use your OS' package manager", "install the deb files", "add it to your path envar" , etc. etc.

Nobody that suggests such 'solutions' ever seem to take any responsibility with regards to all the up- and downsides of the suggested solution and/or offers help in case issues arise simply because they do not know either or do not wish to be bothered by it. It works for them so, it should work you as well (and as you have experienced first hand, that simply isn't true). Mix that with an inexperienced user not knowing all ins and outs yet and you got yourself mayhem.

I am not saying my solution/approach is the holy grail (it has its flaws as well) but the approach that I offer is a relative simple one (at least the rules to follow are simple but you have to stick to it/them) and in case of problems the cause for these issue is usually located pretty fast based on only a few symptoms. The reason that this approach seem to have failed for you specifically seem to be the darn Rosetta (I have never had the pleasure to personally test my setup against that) mixed together with a few details that you seem to keep insist on using.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 12:58:32 pm by TRon »
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2515 on: November 03, 2024, 12:59:54 pm »
* Mac Mini M1
* macOS 14.6.1
* Lazarus 4.0rc1 (installed using FPCUPdeluxe V2.4.0fp for aarch64-darwin-cocoa)
* FPC 3.2.2 (installed using FPCUPdeluxe V2.4.0fp for aarch64-darwin-cocoa)

If, like me, you have used the mighty FpcUpDeluxe to install the new Lazarus 4.0rc1, but have found that when starting Lazarus, it is locked into the old undocked IDE style and that even going into Settings -> Environment -> IDE Startup, and checking the option Quick check Fppkg configuration at start is not enough to force the startup configuration dialog to appear, I have found that opening fpcupdeluxe.ini in a text editor, changing the line DockedLazarus=0 to DockedLazarus=1, saving the file, and re-running the FpcUpdate install process again seems to be enough to get the config dialog to appear.

Note that setting DockedLazarus=1 doesn't alter the setting in and of itself, but you can then go to the last tab in the dialog and select the docked options. Interestingly, it also seems to make the Environment -> Docking / Anchordocking option available, whereas after the initial install, it wasn't available.

Note, this is all on macOS on a Mac Mini M1 (aarch64); I expect things will be entirely different on Linux and Windows ;)
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2516 on: November 03, 2024, 01:19:23 pm »
The reason that this approach seem to have failed for you specifically seem to be the darn Rosetta

Rosetta is used by macOS aarch64 when code built for the Intel architecture is encountered. There is a performance hit for sure, but otherwise its use is entirely transparent... that's my understanding of it, in any case. In all of the situations I have described, I have chosen the aarch64 option, so I don't see how Rosetta could be making any difference here...

a few details that you seem to keep insist on using.

Here we go again! This drip, drip, drip of subtle digs is getting tiresome. I appreciate the help, but I would also appreciate it if it did not have to be accompanied by this constant "ooh, you have gotten yourself in a bit of a muddle" undercurrent...
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2517 on: November 03, 2024, 01:26:08 pm »
My might use a Setup+ for docked. See included screenshot.


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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2518 on: November 03, 2024, 01:31:15 pm »
My might use a Setup+ for docked. See included screenshot.

Ooh! I didn't notice that! Doh ;)
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Re: Fpcupdeluxe
« Reply #2519 on: November 03, 2024, 01:33:12 pm »
Note, this is all on macOS on a Mac Mini M1 (aarch64); I expect things will be entirely different on Linux and Windows ;)
It works the same for the other platforms.

- download fpcupdeluxe v2.4.0.fp
- set executable bits for the downloaded fpcupdeluxe file (chown)
- main window, set install path to a location where you have enough access rights (user space)
- main window, tab tags, right column lazarus version, select lazarus_4_0_RC_1, then press add tag
  the textbox below will display "The tag with name [lazarus_4_0_RC_1 was added to the Lazarus sources list"
- main window, tab basics, set FPC version in left column to 3.2.2
- main window, tab basics, set Lazarus version in right column to lazarus_4_0_RC_1
- main window, press setup+
- advanced setting window, misc settings, checkmark "Docked Lazarus IDE", then press ok
- main window, press "Install/update FPC+Lazarus"
- confirmation dialog, press ok
- drink some beverage and/or eat a snack
- Done.

On first startup of Lazarus you should now be asked to select docked IDE
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.


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