You are already getting enough feedback from experienced programmers so i'll stop adding (more) confusion :-)
However, Juha made some good valid points. You can always opt for keeping (manual) control on the package description files yourself.
It is always possible (further down the road) to have different signed packages, official, semi-official, community, and user packages (just to name a few categories). That way it would be possible for individual users to let their own packages be managed by the packagemanager, yet do not bear (any) impact on the official packages. If users wish to do so they can share their packages amongst each other by providing the descriptions or add personal url repositories to their own copy of the package manager.
It would perhaps be interesting to implement such approach as it allows for users to experiment creating their packages before asking permission to have them added in an 'upgraded' fashion, e.g. from user, to community, from community to semi-official to finally end up in official state (if that would ever happen).
Initially it would be more interesting to get things started, and along the way slowly decide what would be better to implement and what not. There is many many many food for thoughts there.