When I was using Lazarus 0.9.6,I translated the Lazaruside.po file into Chinese and compiled it,now I have two files:Lazaruside.cn.po and Lazaruside.cn.mo,and Lazarus works ok in Chinese.But now I am using Lazarus 0.9.9,I can't use my translated files,if I choose Enviroment->Enviroment options->DeskTop->Language->Chiense,many of the menus are blank,so I think there must be much differents between the two files: Lazaruside.po in Lazarus 0.9.6 and Lazaruside.po in Lazarus 0.9.9.I have to do the translation again,but I hope that I will do little job,not from the beginning.If I search for every string manually in the first .po file and then navigate the second .po file to see if it was translated,I will do a lot of job.Anyone has any ideas,please?
By the way,my translation was not completely finshed,when it is completely finshed I will send the result .po file and .mo file to you Lazarus project team.
Best regards