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Free Pascal IDE Compile options sudden greyed out


Returning to Pascal after many years, trying to convert a old DOS prog to run under Linux Mint.
Have downloaded' fpc-3.0.0rc1.x86_64-linux' which contains Compiler version 2.6.2-8, installed and got it all going.

Was making good progress running the FP IDE to compile, run, edit out errors and save.  Suddenly the compile error 'window' stopped appearing and compile options are greyed out.  All I  get is a small dialog that shows:

                       Compiling (Normal mode)
Main file: wxyz.pas
Failed to compile ...
Target:   Linux for X86-64
Line number:         0        Total lines :                747
Used memory:   446K     Allocated memory:   3680K
Total errors:           4         Compile time:           0.2s
                       Compile failed

What have I done wrong?  Have tried an un/reinstall but no change.

Many thanks for any assistance.  PS I am basically a Linux newbie.


--- Quote from: electron1948 on April 02, 2016, 05:36:20 pm ---Have downloaded' fpc-3.0.0rc1.x86_64-linux' which contains Compiler version 2.6.2-8, installed and got it all going.

--- End quote ---
Looks very wrong to me... how can a 3.0.0r1 archive contains 2.6.2 compiler?

--- Quote from: electron1948 on April 02, 2016, 05:36:20 pm ---Was making good progress running the FP IDE to compile, run, edit out errors and save.  Suddenly the compile error 'window' stopped appearing and compile options are greyed out.  All I  get is a small dialog that shows:

                       Compiling (Normal mode)
Main file: wxyz.pas
Failed to compile ...
Target:   Linux for X86-64
Line number:         0        Total lines :                747
Used memory:   446K     Allocated memory:   3680K
Total errors:           4         Compile time:           0.2s
                       Compile failed

What have I done wrong?  Have tried an un/reinstall but no change.

Many thanks for any assistance.  PS I am basically a Linux newbie.

--- End quote ---
Simply get rid of the compile dialog/message window (click on the upper left green square). Compile menu is disabled because the currently focused window is not an editor window containing valid Pascal compilation unit.

Some of the FPC IDE's files are version specific. Sometimes if there was a mistake in the compatibility loaders, saved windows coordinates can get corrupt, with out of screen positions.

Eradicate all fp.cfg and fp.ini files, and configure the IDE anew, and the window will be back


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