OK it looks very nice.
I installed it to try it out, but I got loads of warnings,
So I decided to use TLazIntfImage for now.
opbitmap may be handy later for other stuff, but I haven't looked into it enough yet.
Maybe it's not so clear what OpBitmap is.
I know that from a concrete point of view like LCL, VCL you may ask yourself this question.
It is:
- A completely Widgetset (and X-Server) indepentent Bitmap.
- You can use it without running X-Server in Server Applications.
- It is able to convert Bitmap Formats pf1bit ... pf64bit with color reduction if necessary independent of Widgetsets.
- It is to some degree VCL compatible providing Scanline Access etc which makes it easy to port VCL Imaging Functions (using pf24bit or whatever it takes) and using Palettes.
- It does not Provide direct access to Image Data of the Widgetset, so it does not speed-up in these cases.
-But it is fast in a scenario where you load Images (PNG, JPEG, BMP. GIF etc.) probably resample them, paint a logo on the picture and save it to another Format to disk. Here no Wigetset Interaction is necessary, all plain RTL.
- It has "Bridges" to paint on LCL, VLC. CLX, maybe MSEGUI.
- Plus it has (as a proof of concept) many image reading/writing Formats that come with it. which are partially more capable than current LCL (Progressive JPEG, RLE Bitmaps, GIF) without using external libs.
- The best Bonus: You can write code in Delphi, Kylix, LCL and it should work exactly the same on all compilers / widgetsets.
- The interaction with the LCL only takes place in "lazbridge.pas" and this is only an example which can be improved. (OK, plus all the code in lazopXX.pas which are TFPCustomImageReaders).