Forum > PDAs and Smartphones
WINCE, problems with TEdit, TGroupBox, TLabel
I have some problems with the controls TEdit, TGroupBox and TLabel.
TEdit: I am not able to get a border around the edit field.
TLabel: A label within a groupbox will not be displayed.
TGroupBox: All controls within a groupbox are not placed correctly. The are placed too high.
I don't know, if WINCE-LCL ist still in experimental state. Or does it make sense to create bug reports?
Regards, Bernd.
Sorry, I forgot: I am using Lazarus 0.9.21b, SVN revision 10212 dated: 17.11.06
Try not to use default fonts (it helped me with some controls, for others i had to use more simple equivalents)
--- Quote from: "roeug" ---Try not to use default fonts (it helped me with some controls, for others i had to use more simple equivalents)
--- End quote ---
which fonts would you suggest? I tried MS Sans Serif, Courier New, and Arial with no effect.
Regards, Bernd.
About TEdit, seems that onClick event does not work at all too, at least in 0.9.20.
--- Quote from: "Legolas" ---About TEdit, seems that onClick event does not work at all too, at least in 0.9.20.
--- End quote ---
same behaviour with 0.9.21.
Regards, Bernd.
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