Newer versions of Mac OS X are a bit tricky here. The OS automatically adds the entry "Start Dictation", if the fourth menu (the second after the apple menu and the program menu) has an entry, whose name contains the substring "Copy" or "copy". Even renaming it to "Copy " doesn't solve the issue, since "Copy" is a substring of "Copy ".
The possibly simplest solution is to give the corresponding entry a caption that doesn't contain "Copy", e.g. "Cop" and rename it programmatically to "Copy". It wouldn't work to do this before
Application.Run, since Mac OS X would add the unwanted entries anyway. Therefore, the best place to do this is in the
onClick handler of the edit menu:
procedure TMainForm.EditMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
CopyItem.Caption := 'Copy';
The attached zip archive contains a very simple example program that implements this technique.