And after almost 3 years, are there real difference to justify advanced records or it is just to follow Delphi?
Following Delphi has its merits, if not done blindly; after all, Delphi is the "leader" in Pascal programming and lots (most?) of new Pascal code is written using their extensions.
With respect to advanced records, old-style objects and classes ... well, they can be seen as gradations of a concept: in the lower level advanced records, a little beyond that old-style objects and last the more powerful classes. And while it is true that adv. records and old-style objects differ only a little---basically, beyond implementation details, in inheritance capability---they still differ enough that an election has to be made between using one or the other type ... or jump directly to a class.
IMHO people glorify the old object for no good reason.
I don't think "glorify" is the adequate word here. There are times---not many, granted---when one needs something more than records but a class is, somehow, overkill. In that middle ground is where the
object type fits.
That is, unless records keep "advancing" and become objects