2) They may be build with different optimization or similar. So they may not be the same binary. They are (or should be) from the 3.0 tag on the fpc svn. So any source file included should be the same as in the fpc release.
1. win7, win32
2. I don't know how they are builded. But most of exe files in "fpc" folder of released lazarus and released fpc are different.
And moreover, they produces different executables (I try empty project with one form).
So, what's the difference?
I don't know what the default settings are used for the installer released by the fpc team, so I can't say.
The build for the Lazarus install is done by lazarus\tools\install\win\build-fpc.bat (I have no idea who wrote this, its been around a long time). I also don't know why a special build script was needed, but maybe there were some differences intended.
My first guess would be to look at the OPT=
Any option that is passed in, if it is not used by default, is likely to cause a difference.
-Ur only marks ppu as release (fpc will not rebuild, even if src is edited) So no diff expected
-CX -XX is smartlinking. That may well cause some differences.
Yet that happens after the compiler was build. So I don't know what affects the compiler. It may be that OPT (that I do not know) were passed when the fpc team did the build.
Also check the fpc.cfg
http://lists.freepascal.org/pipermail/fpc-devel/2015-December/036438.htmlhttp://lists.freepascal.org/pipermail/fpc-devel/2015-December/036439.html> What options are specified for the release by fpc?
None. The top level Makefile automatically adds RELEASE=1, which enables
a default set of options built into all Makefiles.
I am not at current going to search for it myself. But the next step is to read the makefile and see what those options are.