I have a project that was running in Windows and Linux so far, and now I'm trying to port it to OSX as well. The project is an IDE for a compiler of mine, which is a C application.
On other OSs, the IDE executable is in the same folder where compiler is, so the IDE default path to compiler is just the compiler file name.
In OSX, Lazarus creates (cause I asked for it) a .app package, where as you know, the actual executable is at Contents/MacOS folder.
I would want to include the compiler and some required libraries in the package, so I can share just the app file, cause it is more close to OSX standards, so I've tried to add the compiler to the Contents/MacOS folder, but it seems the execution folder is the path were the .app "file" is, so the result is "compiler not found" when trying to compile.
I have also tried to set default path to myapp.app/Contents/MacOS/compiler (where "compiler" is the name of the compiler executable file) and to ./myapp.app/Contents/MacOS/compiler, but I had no success.
Probably I'm not doing it the right way, is there something I'm missing? Maybe a better organized way of building the package?