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Run .exe file on Windows ce 5.0

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Hello Everyone
I want to run executable(.exe) file on windows ce 5.0.When i am trying to run .exe file on it, i am getting error as- This is not valid Windows ce application. Please tell me how to resolve this error.\

Do needful

Thanks & Regards
Rushali Watane

It is exactly what it means:  not a valid CE application.   You need an application that's specifically for CE.  Yes, I know it's Windows but apparently there's a difference between Windows and Windows CE.  I'm not an expert nor do I use Windows CE.  This is about all I can say on the subject.

The executable file is compatible to windows ce 5.0. Actually i have created one sample application in python(Visual studio 2015 community edition). I want to run .py file on windows ce 5.0 with ARM processor; but when i am trying to run .py file it shown me error as-

cannot find one of its components. Make sure the path & file name are correct and that all the required libraries are available.

Then i have tried next option as i have converted .py file into .exe file with the help of py2exe. Then i have tried to run .exe file, it given me error as not a valid windows ce application. This .exe is run on windows 7 32 bit but not on windows ce 5.0

Please tell me the solution to resolve this error.

Rushali Watane

Dear Rushali,

Did you find a solution to it??
Because even I am facing the same problem, and I converted my file using cx_freeze

BTW which WinCE device are you using??


--- Quote from: Suyash on April 01, 2019, 06:25:05 pm ---Did you find a solution to it??
Because even I am facing the same problem, and I converted my file using cx_freeze
--- End quote ---
In Rushali's case the problem was two-fold:

* He was missing (or misplaced) some needed libraries and so the Python script couldn't run;
* Using py2exe produced an executable for Windows 32bit, i.e. for i386, while his platform was Windows CE for ARM. An i386 binary will, of course, not run on an ARM.
In your case, make sure you're "freezing" the script for the proper platform and that you have all the needed Python (or whatever) libraries installed in its proper place in the target system. That should be all; just do what the error message says:

--- Quote ---Make sure the path & file name are correct and that all the required libraries are available.
--- End quote ---


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