
Author Topic: Stop wasting time on FPC 2.6 and Laz 1.4!  (Read 49874 times)


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Re: Stop wasting time on FPC 2.6 and Laz 1.4!
« Reply #105 on: November 06, 2015, 04:11:33 pm »
Rick, there is the "tiny" matter of how to decide to translate the outside of the single screen area.
The single parts of the IDE layout should still be visible.
Yes, but we are talking about the docked IDE here, so it's just one main window. Even if you have some parts off screen, switching to another screen isn't done very often, I assume. If you have it at full-screen (maximized) on a second monitor, it would also maximize on the first monitor if you unplug that second one. If you don't have it maximized it could be that it's too big for the first monitor but at least it would be visible (and you can maximize it again).

(So I'm not sure how often this would occur)


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Re: Stop wasting time on FPC 2.6 and Laz 1.4!
« Reply #106 on: November 06, 2015, 04:15:39 pm »
Ok. But I am not sure this matters only the docked ide.
But I am sure they don't want the Trumps back...


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Re: Stop wasting time on FPC 2.6 and Laz 1.4!
« Reply #107 on: November 06, 2015, 04:26:26 pm »
Ok. But I am not sure this matters only the docked ide.
The undocked code sits somewhere else. The suggestions here were for anchordocking.pas which isn't used for undocked.

The undocked version of Lazarus already had good multi-monitor-support (at least I thought it did).


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Re: Stop wasting time on FPC 2.6 and Laz 1.4!
« Reply #108 on: November 06, 2015, 04:30:47 pm »
@rvkI think there is no need to determine that.
You take the SrcWorkArea (from the environment.xml) and look if Left fits in one of the Screen.Monitors[_].WorkArea. If it does you can just take that same SrcWorkArea as new WorkArea. Only if you can't find it in any of the Screen.Monitors[_].WorkAreas, you need to set a new positions and I think Left := 0 would suite just fine (assuming Left := 0 will always exist in one of the screens).
Fair enough. But you still have to loop through the monitors and check if WorkArea's Left fits in one of the Screen.Monitors[_].WorkArea. With my solution, if the monitor count changed then automatically the lazarus ide is reset to default(Left=0). I don't know which is better, anyway this won't happen to often.

Ok. But I am not sure this matters only the docked ide.
If anchordocking is not installed, then each window position has to be reset to default.

The undocked code sits somewhere else. The suggestions here were for anchordocking.pas which isn't used for undocked.
As far as I know(see Menu-->Tools-->Desktop), each windows position is saved, you can define as many desktops you like. I don't think has support for monitor count change.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 04:40:31 pm by GetMem »


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Re: Stop wasting time on FPC 2.6 and Laz 1.4!
« Reply #109 on: November 06, 2015, 05:03:07 pm »
It is still very much broken on windows. (with both trunks) Most important bits are scaling and most of all screen sizes. It's a mess and still not usable at all. I am glad to work with a developer to solve this.
But I am sure they don't want the Trumps back...


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Re: Stop wasting time on FPC 2.6 and Laz 1.4!
« Reply #110 on: November 06, 2015, 10:59:20 pm »
Just for my two centts worth. I write and sell some softtware that has to do massive parsing of documents containing, yes, HTML and related. For all intents and purposes UTF-8 is extremely fast parse here (does not matter if the website language is arabic, hebrew or whatever) since for parsing I am interested in bytes below 128 (and copying strings between html tags is also not a problem since I can deduce start/end byte positions)

One thing where there is a huge difference is also in memory footprint. UTF-8 uses way less in most cases. I absolutely love utf-8 and I do not really get why people think ufl-16 solves anything? If you need itertae over unicode chars the job is the same, you can't assume 2 bytes with utf-16, thus there is zero upside to utf-16 from my POV at least. (And actually UTF-8 is pretty smart in my opinion - not impossible to index in any way if you abstract it a little. Yes, the very simplest for loop won't work, but then again, it won't either for UTF-16 unless you mean UCS-2?)

« Last Edit: November 07, 2015, 12:45:47 pm by MISV »


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Re: Stop wasting time on FPC 2.6 and Laz 1.4!
« Reply #111 on: November 07, 2015, 05:23:56 am »
For people like me trying to learn/re-learn about Unicode and follow this thread, through the site mentioned earlier, I found this article which made some issues in this thread much more understandable:


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Re: Stop wasting time on FPC 2.6 and Laz 1.4!
« Reply #112 on: November 07, 2015, 06:53:02 am »
I do not really get why people think ufl-16 solves anything?

I believe that's because they mismatch utf-16 with the type widestring (thx to Delphi...). They don't get that utf-16 is not already decoded and that WideString is used to store an already decoded utf8 or utf16 string with **always** 2 bytes per char.
The confusion is also related to Windows Unicode (uses already decoded wide string) vs Linux (uses non decoded utf-8 strings).


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Re: Stop wasting time on FPC 2.6 and Laz 1.4!
« Reply #113 on: November 07, 2015, 01:14:01 pm »
I believe that's because they mismatch utf-16 with the type widestring (thx to Delphi...). They don't get that utf-16 is not already decoded and that WideString is used to store an already decoded utf8 or utf16 string with **always** 2 bytes per char.
The confusion is also related to Windows Unicode (uses already decoded wide string) vs Linux (uses non decoded utf-8 strings).

Please stop spreading lies and misinformation here. The issue is complex enough without such distractions.
Full UTF-16 has been supported since Windows 2000. Even I know this although I misunderstood many details during my Unicode learning process.
If you don't know the facts, don't write anything. Instead learn the facts. Start for example from here :
Mostly Lazarus trunk and FPC 3.2 on Manjaro Linux 64-bit.


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