OK, I've spent the whole night porting to L. an Alpha version of a 3D - game (Direct3D) for Win32 I am developing in Borland Delphi 6.
1) I think Pascal is a very good medium for DirectX (and OGL b.t.w.)

2) I was curious if I could make the transition from Delphi to Lazarus in one night.
3) I wanted to check Free Pascal compiler Performance!
4) It's cool L. to be cross-platform, free & open-source.
I'm happy to announce that I succeeded in doing so!
There were a lot of nasty thingz to get rid of, this compiler 'behaves' different than the Delphi compiler, that's for sure.
My first impression (And I'm of course goin' to benchmark all kinds of stuff like hell) is that Lazarus is running stabler and -faster- than my application in D, but this impression can be the result of fatigue. (it's 5:53 in the morning).