While I can see a lot of reasons for limiting the number of variable conditions for working on trunk, this seems to be persistent beyond trunk.
Fedora 26 is currently distributing 3.0.2 that was announced as a "point release", whatever that term signifies.
I wish to install cross compiler capability for Lazarus and it would seem that the first step of that is to get a ccx set up for fpc.
It seems that I can not build trunk with the distro 3.0.2 , so I pulled 3.0.2 but that won't build with the distro fpc :
make all install FPC=/usr/bin/fpc OPT=-gl INSTALL_PREFIX=~
Makefile:2789: *** The only supported starting compiler version is 3.0.0. You are trying to build with 3.0.2.. Stop.
Having multiple versions and builds all floating around with their various library builds is key problem in synchronising everything and ensuring the right libs are used in each case.
All this jiving around with different versions and build requirements is making my head spin.
What versions of can I build with the distro 3.0.2 , or do I have to try to install an earlier prebuilt pkg and ignore the distro altogether.