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WinCE-cpuarm compilation problem {$asmmode GAS}
WinCE-cpuarm compilation problem {$asmmode GAS}
Lazarus-0.9.19-fpc-2.1.1-20061018-win32.exe - Installed (default paths)
New Project
Project->Compiler options
1. LCL widget typr: wince
2. target OS: WinCE
3. target CPU: arm
Environment \ Compiler Options
Compiler path (not changed): c:\lazarus\fpc\2.1.1\bin\i386-win32\ppc386.exe
C:\lazarus\fpc\2.1.1\source\rtl\inc\,4) Fatal: Can't open include file ""
Added to c:\lazarus\fpc\2.1.1\source\rtl\inc\ (Line 1-5)
{$ifdef wince}
{$define arm}
{$define cpuarm}
{$undef cpui386}
{$endif cpuarm}
C:\lazarus\fpc\2.1.1\source\rtl\arm\,2) Error: Illegal assembler style specified "GAS"
in the line: {$asmmode GAS}
later when open the progect I det a messageBox (mbError)
"The system.ppu was not found in the FPC dirrectory.Make sure fpc is installed correctly and the fpc.cfg points to the right directory"
In the case of
LCL widget typr: win32
target OS: Win32
target CPU: i386
everything is OK (no messages with the "The system.ppu was not found...", build, run)
The lazarus snapshot you are using does not contain a arm-wince cross-compiler, which is needed to compile for Windows CE.
--- Quote from: "roeug" ---
Environment \ Compiler Options
Compiler path (not changed): c:\lazarus\fpc\2.1.1\bin\i386-win32\ppc386.exe
--- End quote ---
Take a look at your compiler name. It's ppc386. The name of the cross compiler is ppccrossarm.exe
You should install the Snapshot on the bottom of this webpage:
It already comes pre-configured to work for Windows CE, with a pre-compile cross-compiler and everything set.
Another (harder) option to get this working is to compile the cross-compiler yourself. There are instructions for this on the webpage above.
I've tryed early
I don't no why but the compilled code doesn't run on WM5 (and a lot of problems in compillation process: only emty forms are compilled !!!)
PS. I am a researcher but programmer (I've used Delphi5)
Now I am trying to convert my Appl ( ) to iPOD. If you have any suggestions ! would be luck to hear
Well, I used that version to write an app that actually runs quite well on many WM5 devices - but using native API, not LCL. MAybe that LCL version is a bit outdated; I'll try to create a new snapshot in the next days, need to set up Lazarus on another machine anyway.
--- Quote from: "roeug" ---I don't no why but the compilled code doesn't run on WM5
--- End quote ---
Ummm, acctually I only have Microsoft emulator to test, so it's hard to debug this.
--- Quote ---(and a lot of problems in compillation process: only emty forms are compilled !!!)
--- End quote ---
What errors in the compilation? Can you paste them here?
--- Quote ---Now I am trying to convert my Appl ( ) to iPOD.
--- End quote ---
iPod runs Windows Mobile 5 ?
My best quick solution is to use the Windows API directly (like you would have to do anyway if you were programming for c, or c++), or use a smaller framework. I think CCRDude had done one some time ago, but I don't remember the link.
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