it's done. thanks rvk and everyone.
I wont do the "modify date with last access" thing. I'm going to just do that exclusively for the CREATE.pas.
I'll be studying for an exam on 10/06 and presenting this .pas on 10/07. After that, I'll get started on CREATE.pas. (should I start a new thread?).
b.t.w; just to show you how forgetful pablo is, this was my conversation past wednesday:
me: I was almost done but I couldnt get the date to work.
pablo: np. bring me de .cpp when you get it to work.
me: you mean .pas?
pablo: :hisFaceWasLikeOhGawdNo:
me: I can bring BloodShed Dev-Pas in a drive too.
pablo: yeah. do that.