As I wrote above, add "svgvectorialreader" to the uses clause of the main form. This is because fpvectorial supports a variety of file formats but links only the needed ones into your program.
Add fpvectorialpkg as a requirement to the project (instead of adding it to the search path), i.e. open project inspector, "Add", "New requirement", type "fpvectorialpkg".
Then the error you report is gone. But the program still does not run, it does not like the parts marked in red:
<path fill="#999999" d="M1,16C1,7.72,7.71,1,16,1c8.279,0,15,6.72,15,15c0,8.29-6.721,15-15,15C7.71,31,1,24.29,1,16z"/>
Unfortunately, I do not know much about svg. What does the "-" token stand for? A mathematical operation (subtraction)? If yes, replace them by the difference values.