Forum > Beginners

Is there a List of fp.exe Bugs?


I'm managing to use the IDE and am sticking with it because of the advantages of Free Pascal over Turbo Pascal, even though it is so glitchy.

All the same, it would be useful to have a list of the (80) known bugs.

Is there one?

Other than the "IDE" category in the FPC section of Mantis? No. 

If you don't have a list, how do you know it contains 80 items?

Note that any progress on the textmode IDE is glacial, though there is one major feature in trunk (not part of 3.0):  usage of an external GDB as debugger

I did some Googling, and apparently it is known that there are 80 of 'em.

Ho hum...


--- Quote from: Elap on August 27, 2015, 04:09:56 pm ---I did some Googling, and apparently it is known that there are 80 of 'em.

Ho hum...

--- End quote ---
64 as of this reply.


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