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AmigaOS 4?
--- Quote from: molly on August 04, 2016, 10:52:28 am ---Really ? You have such low self-esteem ? C'mon ;D
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Or, realistic view to myself?
--- Quote from: molly on August 04, 2016, 10:52:28 am ---Make your opinion count and ask/state that you want to have such support. If that requires a bigger user-base, then motivate people to join your cause. Get yourself informed and ask ALB42 why he hasn't pushed his changes upstream (yet). If there is reason for him to not do so (he might have perfect valid reasons to refrain from merging upstream) then ask him what can be done to improve the situation and see if you can do anything about that. Ask the same question(s) to the Lazarus project manager(s) and/or other Lazarus developers.
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Is'nt this exactly what I did with my message? Asking you, why it's not included in the official Repository, in the official Lazarus forum. Where potentially official Lazarus developers can read it as well?
--- Quote from: molly on August 04, 2016, 10:52:28 am ---The only existing documentation that i am aware of is written here
But, please also realize that things are not always as easy and clear as they might appear on the surface. FPC/Lazarus is a relatively big open source project and as such, project manager(s) have to 'protect' their product. Patents and copyrights are amongst those things that can severely threathen a project like FPC or Lazarus.
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looks not that harsh as I would expected, just a little bit sloppy/soft, more related that you know someone of the developers. (In Roman times one would call it an advocate.)
>> Or, realistic view to myself?
In which case merging MOS-lazarus upstream would be of no importance whatsoever.
>> looks not that harsh as I would expected, just a little bit sloppy/soft, more related that you know someone of the developers. (In Roman times one would call it an advocate.)
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