Is it just a rebranded SynEdit component? What features does it bring to the table. What would make me decide to use it instead of say EditPad Pro []? eg: Is the syntax highlighting configurable. Can I easily define new syntax highlighters. Does it do file navigation. Can I create my own file navigation schemes for new file formats. How good is its regex? Does it support external tools, code templates? Does it come with its own help file? etc etc.
Not to be funny, but the wiki doesn't give much information. It mentions a Sublime Text 3 like config, but to be honest, how often to people using text editors fiddle with configs. It is the features that make me more productive that I'm interested in.
I have probably seen 20+ SynEdit based text editors. None of them offer anything extra, other that looking slightly different (user interface wise) between each other. In that case I could just as well use Lazarus IDE to edit text files.