
Author Topic: iOS 9.2  (Read 6159 times)


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iOS 9.2
« on: January 24, 2016, 06:53:50 pm »

Hi -

I'd like to develop iPhone apps using the 9.2 SDK. Is this currently feasible?

I'm new to FPC and having done some research I believe I need to generate a bridge between FPC and the iOS SDK. I'v tried building the iPhone Headers Translator,, without success.

Has any one succeeded in building an app using the 9.2 SDK?

Thanks in advance.


Jonas Maebe

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Re: iOS 9.2
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2016, 10:09:25 pm »
I'd like to develop iPhone apps using the 9.2 SDK. Is this currently feasible?
Yes, that should work fine with FPC 3.0 and later.

I'm new to FPC and having done some research I believe I need to generate a bridge between FPC and the iOS SDK. I'v tried building the iPhone Headers Translator,, without success.
The best site for info regarding this is probably, and the linked . It seems the most recent iOS SDK headers there are for iOS 8.0. They should be usable when building against the iOS 9.2 SDK too, though (unless you need classes/functions that were introduced in later OS versions).

Note that the best place to get help with FPC and iOS compilation is . The maintainer of the iOS header translations (and the parser that generates them) is subscribed there, as well as several (if not most) other people that actively work with FPC for iOS.


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