Hi -
I'm new to FreePascal and would like to use it for iOS and Android development.
I've successfully created the necessary cross-compiler flavours of FPC by following the instructions from
http://blog.naver.com/simonsayz/220305479793 but have run into a problem.
I'm trying to use iOS 8.4. I'm at step 7.1:
Meteor:iPhoneAll simon$ sudo /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.1.1/ppcrossarm -Cparmv7 -Cfvfpv3 -dIPHONEALL -FD/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer iPhoneAll.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.1.1 [2015/09/03] for arm
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Darwin for ARM
Compiling iPhoneAll.pas
Compiling CFNetwork.pas
Compiling CoreFoundation.pas
CFBase.inc(260,3) Fatal: Syntax error, "identifier" expected but "CONST" found
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Line 260 in CFBase.inc reads:
const struct CF_BRIDGED_TYPE = function (CFNullGetTypeID(void: NSNull) __CFNull* CFNullRef;CF_EXPORTCFTypeID): ; cdecl;
Any ideas what the issue may be?
many thanks