No, "Tools > Import Type Library..." is for importing definitions of a dll, etc. and creating a TLB-file (just like you can in Delphi).
It will create a TLB-file which should be compatible with FPC/Lazarus without any modification needed.
There is no need to use a TLB generated by Delphi. You can look in the headers of that file to see from which dll it is generated and you can generate your own TLB with the tool from Lazarus.
Where it that?
If you look in your own SpeechLib_TLB you'll see this:
// PASTLWTR : 1.2
// File generated on 07.01.2007 12:06:43 from Type Library described below.
// ************************************************************************ //
// Type Lib: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Speech\sapi.dll (1)
// LIBID: {C866CA3A-32F7-11D2-9602-00C04F8EE628}
// LCID: 0
// Helpfile:
// HelpString: Microsoft Speech Object Library
// DepndLst:
// (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINDOWS\system32\stdole2.tlb)
So it's generated by someone who had a sapi.dll in their "Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Speech" and an
old Windows-version !!
I can't find it there on my machine but if I look for sapi.dll I find a couple:
My guess is you need the 32bit version so this one:
So with the , "Tools > Import Type Library..." you can create your very own TLB with Lazarus itself.
The implementation is slightly different than that of Delphi's.
(i.e. you need to use TAxcSpSharedRecoContext.OleServer.EventInterests instead of TSpSharedRecoContext1.EventInterests, I think)