I don't talk of statically linking the dll in the exe, I talk of a native client written in pascal. I started something like this for MsSQL, untill the ado-(dbGO) things came out and made my project obsolete.
So before doing something and reinventing the wheel i asked if sombody already had something to go on.
Back in the old days, when programming in Delphi, I used the DAC for MySQL from MicroOLAP - worked really well, and gave the possibility to make a monolithic application, without worrying about whether there was a MySQL client installed on the client computer or not.
Although a developer license from MicroOLAP did cost quite a lot it made licensing much simpler, as I did not have to bother with MySQL licensing when distributing my program.
This was a huge advantage, and I do really miss something similar in FPC (and it should of course be cross platform), so do anyone know if someone is writing on something like that?