Thank you very much 
I haven't had much time in the last month to post more complete articles (though I have 6 in draft)... so it was nice to take time to put this one together (even if the effort involved in figuring it all out was infuriating, and I had to wipe my MicroSD card and start over about 9 times) 
Hi LaKraven
I had a few issues with the instructions but I think I worked most of it out.
Changes I did to your instructions were:
- After the initial "sudo bash" I ran "apt-get update"
(this was important for some references/links)
- When saving out of nano, I did a CTRL+O before the CTRL+X to explicitly write out to the file. Probably not necessary but it was just some piece of mind

- I copied and pasted the "[shared]..." details to the end of the smb.conf file
- I rebooted after the TightVNC and Samba installs to make sure the settings stuck
- For the line
"apt-get install libx11-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libcairo2-dev lpango-1.0 lpangox-1.0-dev xorg-dev"
I found that "lpangox-1.0-dev" did not work but "l
ibpangox-1.0-dev" did
- I changed
"svn co trunk"
"svn co trunk"
- upon starting Lazarus for the first time I had to locate the FPC folder at "/usr/local/fpc/trunk"
Thanks for the ground work you put in! I hope my modifications/additions help.