I thought that ffmpeg is a command line tool
The FFmpeg-Project consists of
several CommandLine-Tools
and Libraries, see
FFmpeg-CommandLine-Tools have a CommandLine-Interface (CLI), and You can pass
Options to them (= FFmpeg-CommandLines), when they start and then communicate with them, when they are running.
Those Tools are:
'ffmpeg.exe', 'ffprobe.exe', 'ffplay.exe' (and 'ffserver.exe', which was removed on 2018-01-06).
Advantage: easy to use; Disadvantage: Slow Communication via Pipes and Strings, restricted to the available Options.
FFmpeg-Libraries (LIBs) are Collections of FFmpeg-Code, where You can access their
exported Parts and use them in Your own Code as if they were inside of Your Code, means
as if You would have written that Code by Yourself.
Advantage: fast and flexible; Disadvantage: much more complex to use compared to the FFmpeg-CLIs.
so the "library" would then become the command line interface, right?
The FFmpeg-CommandLine-Tools
and -Libraries are built and compiled from the FFmpeg-
This Process depends on the Target-Platform and on diverse Switches, that determine which
Parts of the Sources to include in the TargetFiles (= CLIs and LIBs).
One of those Switches determines, whether the CLIs shall be built "static" or "shared":
Static means, that the CLIs will have all of their
LIBs included, so that they run
independently as stand-alone Programs, which results in bigger FileSizes for each CLI.
Shared means, that the CLIs will have all of their
LIBs separated, so that each
CLI is smaller, but they only run together with their corresponding LIBs (= Dependencies).
In this Case You have to add the SDL-DLL to run 'ffplay.exe', and
this is, what You need, if You want to use the FFmpeg-LIBs in Your own App.
Now, it's obvious, that there's no Need to rewrite already existing and perfectly running Code so long as
we're Talking about self-contained Tasks (e.g. Convert a VideoFormat to an other), and so long as you're
happy with the available Options for that Task.
You simply launch, e.g. 'ffmpeg.exe' with CommandLine-Arguments, and it will be executed until the Job is done.
This is covered by
Things are different, if You want e.g. a fast and responsive MediaPlayer with special Features, like:
usually not implemented VideoManipulations, outstanding AudioQuality or TouchScreen-Support.
You actually have to write all by Yourself, where You may use already existing Codes inside of Libraries,
here 'FFmpeg', 'SDL' and 'Portaudio'.
This is covered by
this Thread, called
The SourceCodes to use CLIs are totally different from the SourceCodes to use LIBs.
Therefore all related Issues and Discussions are totally different, as well.
That's why I've started two separated Threads, which I'd like to stay separated.
BTW:You are just Writing a VideoEditor.
If You want it really fast and precice, You should use Libraries, too, but this is very complex, and
there is already a Bunch of really good VideoEditors, see e.g. in
Understandable enough ?

if there is some package that includes libraries that could ease the use of ffmpeg
For FreePascal: AFAIK no; for DelphiPascal, see the